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DPX-MAT 28 Herbicide is a soluble granule to be mixed in water and applied as a foliar spray for control of undesirable brush/woody plants and broadleaf weeds in pasture, rangeland and non-crop areas.
DPX-MAT 28 Herbicide is noncorrosive, nonflammable, nonvolatile and does not freeze. DPX-MAT 28 Herbicide is quickly taken up by the leaves, stems and roots of plants. The effects of DPX-MAT 28 Herbicide may be seen on plants from within a few hours to a few days. The most noticeable symptom is a bending and twisting of stems and leaves. Other advanced symptoms include severe chlorosis, necrosis, stem thickening, growth stunting, leaf crinkling, calloused stems and leaf veins, leaf-cupping, and enlarged roots.
DPX-MAT 28 Herbicide is rain-fast at 1 hour after application.
Warm, moist conditions following treatment promote the activity of DPX-MAT 28 Herbicide while cold, dry conditions may reduce or delay activity. The length of control is dependent upon the application rate, condition and growth stage of target weeds, environmental conditions at and following application, and the density and vigour of competing desirable vegetation. Best results for long term weed and brush control occur when grasses and other desired vegetation are allowed to recover from adverse environmental conditions and compete with undesirable brush or weeds.

DPX-MAT 28 Herbicide must be used only in accordance with recommendations on this label.
Do not apply more than a total of 140 g/ha of product per season.
As this product is not registered for the control of pests in aquatic systems, DO NOT use to control aquatic pests.
Do not apply through any type of irrigation system. Do not contaminate water intended for drinking.
Apply between mid-June and mid-August after the target species have leafed out, but before fall colouration begins. Cattle may graze the treated areas on the day of treatment.

Temporary chlorosis, height reduction or growth suppression of grass species may occur.
Weeds should be actively growing at time of application.
Apply to brush species as a full coverage spray to foliage and stems using equipment that will ensure uniform coverage.
Note: Severe injury may occur to desirable broadleaf species such as alfalfa and red clover.

Registered for culturesRate
Pasture60 - 140 g