End Zone Herbicide
- Manufacturer
- Loveland Products
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- N/A
- Registration number
- 34704-877
- Active materials
- oxyfluorfen0 lb/gallon
- Links
- LabelView
Unless otherwise directed by registered supplemental labels, follow the Dlrectlons lor Use in each crop group section.
IMPORTANT: Read the entire DIRECnONS FOR USE and the WARRANTY STATEMENT before using thiS product. 11 terms are not acceptable, relum the unopened product container to lI1e place 01 purchase at once.
In order for End Zone herbicide to provide maximum preemergenoe activity: Prior to application, lhe bed or soil surface srould be smooll1 and free 01 crop and weed trash (decaying leaves, clippings, dead weeds, etc.). Leaves and trash may be removed by blowing the area to be treated or by thoroughly mixing the trash into the soil through cultivation prior to heJbicide application. After application, at least onlKluarter inch (1/4 inch) of irrigation or rainfall should oocur within 3 or 4 weeks after application. The best results from End ZOne heJblcide are from applications to established beds or soli surfaces that are left undistuJ!led during the time period for which weed control Is desired. Cunural practices that result In redistribution or disturbance 01 the soil surface after treatment will decrease the herbicidal effectiveness of End Zone. Cutling water furrows or cunivatlons that mix untreated soil into treated areas will also reduce the effectiveness of the treatment.
Fill the spray tank at least one-third full 01 clean water. With the pump and agitator running, add the recommended amount 01 herbicides to the spray lank. The order of addition to the spray tank should be wedable powders first, ffowables second, and liquids lasl. Complete filling 01 the spray tanl< with waler. For all applications 01 End Zone herbicide (except onions) where postemergence weed control is desired, add 2 to 4 pints of an 80% active nonionic surfactant cleared for application to growing crops per each 100 gallons 01 spray. The addilion 01 4 pints 01 an 80% active nonionic surfactant per 100 gallons 01 spray is recommended 10 enhance postemergence activity when hard water (greater than 600 ppm) is used as a carrier. Maintain agitation until spraying is completed .
Compatibility testing for tank mixing partners: End Zone heJbicide may also be used Intank mixtures. Test compatibility 01 the intended tank mixture before adding End Zone herbicide to the spray or tank mix. Add proportionate amounts 01 each Ingredient to a pint or quart jar, cap, shake, and leI set 15 minutes. Formation 01 precipitates that do not readily redisperse indicates an incompatible mixture thai should not be used.
Registered for cultures |
Broccoli |
Cabbages |
Cauliflower |
Citrus |
Coffee |
Corn |
Cotton |
Soybeans |
Fallow |
Beans |
Garlic |