Flutolanil 40 SC

Registered until
Registration number
Active materials

It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.
Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift.
Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency in your state responsible for pesticide regulation.

FLUTOLANIL 40SC fungicide is a systemic fungicide for control of Brown Patch (Rhizoctonia solani), Brown Ring Patch (Waited circinata var. circinata), Fairy Ring, Red Thread (Laetisaria fuciformis) Pink Patch (Limonomyces roseipellis), Yellow Patch (Rhizoctonia cerealis), Gray snow mold (Typhula spp.), Large Patch (Rhizoctonia solani AG 2-2LP) and Leaf and Sheath spot (Rhizoctonia zeae, Rhizoctonia oryzeae), White mold [Southern stem rot, Southern blight] (Sclerotium rolfsii) and the Limb/Pod rot complex caused by Rhizoctonia solani, in peanuts; Sheath blight (Rhizoctonia solani) in rice; Black scurf (Rhizoctonia solani) in potatoes; and Rhizoctonia solani in seed treatments for cotton, soybeans, and sugar beets.
If other diseases are present in the field, FLUTOLANIL 40SC fungicide can be tank mixed with other fungicides registered for use on those diseases.
Do not use FLUTOLANIL 40SC fungicide in Nassau and Suffolk counties of New York State.

The active ingredient in FLUTOLANIL 40SC fungicide is flutolanil and belongs to the succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor class (FRAC Group 7). Because resistance development cannot be predicted, the use of this product should conform to resistance management strategies established for the crop and use area. Such strategies may include rotating and/or tank mixing with products having different modes of action; or limiting the total number of applications per season. Nichino America, Inc. encourages responsible product stewardship to ensure effective long-term control of the fungal diseases on this label.

FLUTOLANIL 40SC Fungicide Alone: Fill spray tank with % of the amount of water needed for the intended application and then turn on agitation. Pour specified amount of product on the surface of the water in the spray tank. Add the balance of the water to the spray tank with agitation running. Keep agitation running during filling and spraying operations. If spraying must be stopped before emptying the sprayer, resume agitation before spraying the remainder of the load. Mix only as much spray solution as can be sprayed within four hours. Storage and use of the previous day's spray mix may result in reduced activity.
FLUTOLANIL 40SC Fungicide in Tank Mixtures: Begin with clean equipment. Fill spray tank with % of the amount of water needed for the intended application and turn on agitation. If using a buffering agent, add after filling the tank with % amount of water. Do not use oil as carrier or include other additives in the finished spray.
Add the recommended amount of tankmix products in the following order while maintaining agitation:
1) products in water-soluble packets
2) wettable powders
3) water-dispersible granulars and/or soluble powders
4) flowable liquids (including Flutolanil 40SC)
5) emulsifiable concentrates
6) adjuvants and/or oils
7) remaining amount of water to achieve the desired level
Always follow the labeled mixing instructions of any partner products. Keep agitation running during filling and spraying operations. If spraying must be stopped before emptying the sprayer, resume agitation before spraying the remainder of the load. Mix only as much spray solution as can be sprayed within four hours. Storage and use of the previous day's spray mix may result in reduced activity.

Registered for cultures
Brussels sprouts