Fomesafen 22.1 SC

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Read all label directions before using FOMESAFEN 22 1% SC is a selective herbicide which may be applied preplant preemergence or postemergence for control or suppression of broadleaf weeds grasses and sedges in cotton, dry beans, potatoes, snap beans and soybeans

Preplant Surface and Preemergence Applications
Certain germinating broadleaf weeds grasses and sedges may be controlled or suppressed by soil residual activity from either preplant preemergent or postemergent applications if rainfall occurs shortly after application The extent and consistency of soil activity is dependent upon soil characteristics ground cover amount of rainfall following application and the rate of FOMESAFEN 22 1% SC used

Postemerqence Applications
FOMESAFEN 22 1% SC is generally most effective and consistent when used postemergence working through contact action Therefore emerged weeds must have thorough spray coverage for effective control
Some bronzing crinkling or spotting of soybean leaves may occur following a postemergent application but soybeans soon outgrow these effects and develop normally Optimum weed control is achieved by postemergent applications of FOMESAFEN 22 1% SC to young actively growing broadleaf weeds that are not under stress from moisture temperature low soil fertility mechanical or chemical injury

Soil Characteristics
Application of FOMESAFEN 22 1% SC to soils with high organic matter and/or high clay content may require higher rates than soils with low organic matter and/or low clay content Refer to the
Regional Use Map, weed control tables, and specific crop use sections for recommendations on use rates based on soil texture

Environmental and Agronomic Conditions
Always apply FOMESAFEN 22 1% SC under favorable environmental conditions that promote active weed growth Avoid applying FOMESAFEN 22 1% SC to weeds or labeled crops which are under stress from drought, extreme temperatures, excessive water, low humidity, low soil fertility, mechanical or chemical miury as reduced weed control and/or increased crop iniury may result

FOMESAFEN 221% SC requires a 1 hour ram free period for best results when applied postemerqence

Cultivation prior to postemergence application is not recommended Cultivation may put weeds under stress, reducing weed control Timely cultivation 1 3 weeks after applying FOMESAFEN 22 1% SC may assist weed control.

Registered for cultures
Snap beans