
Registered until
Registration number
Active materials

Product Information
This labeling must be in the possession of the user at the time of fungicide application. Carefully read, understand, and follow all directions and precautions.
DO NOT apply this product through any type of irrigation system unless the label instructions on chemigation are followed. Refer to the Chemigation Use Directions for additional instructions.
Use Forum fungicide in a preventive spray program to manage the target diseases. Maximum results can only be achieved by thorough plant coverage.  Forum must be used in accordance with this label. It is recommended that this product be used within an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program.
Fungus strains have developed resistance to some fungicides after repeated use. Because the development of resistance cannot be predicted, always use Forum in a resistance management program. Tank mixing and thorough spray coverage are methods that can help to minimize the development of fungus strains with resistance to Forum. Tank mixing requirements for Forum vary depending on the crop. To maximize disease control, apply Forum
in a regularly scheduled protective spray program and use in a rotation program with other fungicides.
DO NOT use Forum in greenhouse or transplant production.
The use of Forum in all tobacco transplant production systems (including greenhouse, float-beds, and traditional ground beds) is strictly prohibited.
DO NOT use Forum in transplant water.
Disease pressure, plant growth rate, and environmental conditions will determine the length of the spray interval and performance benefits of tank mixing Forum with other fungicides. Consult local disease forecast advisory system recommendations to determine the predicted disease pressure and the associated application rates and intervals. All aerial and ground application equipment must be properly maintained and calibrated using appropriate carriers. Determine the size of the area to be sprayed and the output rate to determine the quantities of Forum and water needed for accurate application. Apply material with adequate spray pressure, water volume, and proper nozzle arrangement to provide full coverage. The addition of a spreading/penetrating adjuvant is recommended to improve disease control performance.

Important: Always read and follow label instructions when buying or using this product.

Registered for culturesRate
Broccoli6 fl oz
Bok choy6 fl oz
Collard greens6 fl oz
Kale6 fl oz
Mizuna6 fl oz
Mustard greens6 fl oz
Mustard spinach6 fl oz
Rape greens6 fl oz
Chinese broccoli6 fl oz
Brussels sprouts6 fl oz
Cabbage6 fl oz
Chinese cabbage6 fl oz
Chinese mustard6 fl oz
Cauliflower6 fl oz
Kohlrabi6 fl oz
Garlic6 fl oz
Leeks6 fl oz
Onions6 fl oz
Shallots6 fl oz
Cantaloupe6 fl oz
Chayote6 fl oz
Waxgourds6 fl oz
Citron melons6 fl oz
Cucumbers6 fl oz
Gherkins6 fl oz
Melons6 fl oz
Pumpkins6 fl oz
Squash6 fl oz
Watermelon6 fl oz
Eggplant6 fl oz
Ground cherries6 fl oz
Pepinos6 fl oz
Peppers6 fl oz
Sweet peppers6 fl oz
Tomatillos6 fl oz
Ginseng6 fl oz
Grapes6 fl oz
Hops6 fl oz
Amaranth6 fl oz
Arugula6 fl oz
Cardoon6 fl oz
Celery6 fl oz
Celtuce6 fl oz
Chervil6 fl oz
Corn salad6 fl oz
Cress6 fl oz
Endive6 fl oz
Finocchio, florence fennel6 fl oz
Lettuce6 fl oz
Orach, atriplex6 fl oz
Parsley6 fl oz
Purslanes6 fl oz
Radicchio6 fl oz
Rhubarbs6 fl oz
Spinach6 fl oz
New zealand spinach6 fl oz
Dry lima beans6 fl oz
Potatoes4 - 6 fl oz
Taro, dasheen6 fl oz
Tobacco2 - 8 fl oz
Tomatoes6 fl oz