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Goemon (Quizalofop Ethyl 5% EC) is a selective, systemic herbicide of the Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates group. It is manufactured by NACL Industries Limited. Goemon is a very effective weedicide for control of narrow leaf weeds in broad leaf crops. It does not burn the weeds but kills them by inhibiting their photosynthesis. The dead weeds then turn into organic manure to boost plant health and vigour.

Goemon is a foliar-applied herbicide, meaning that it is absorbed by the leaves of the weeds and translocated to their roots. This makes it a very effective herbicide for controlling weeds that have deep roots, such as quackgrass and wild oats.

Goemon is registered for use on a wide range of broad leaf crops, including corn, soybeans, wheat, rice, cotton, and sorghum. It is also registered for use on non-cropland areas, such as roadsides and rights-of-way.

Here is a more detailed description of Goemon's mode of action, efficacy, and safety:

Mode of action: Goemon inhibits the synthesis of unsaturated fatty acids in the chloroplasts of weed plants. This disrupts photosynthesis and kills the weeds.

Safety: Goemon is a very safe herbicide when used according to label directions. It is not harmful to mammals, birds, or fish. However, it can be harmful to bees, so it is important to avoid spraying Goemon when bees are active.

Here are some tips for using Goemon effectively:

  • Apply Goemon when the weeds are actively growing.
  • Use the correct amount of Goemon for the type of weed and the crop you are treating.
  • Apply Goemon evenly to all of the weeds.
  • Avoid spraying Goemon when it is windy or when the temperature is above 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

Goemon is a valuable tool for controlling narrow leaf weeds in a variety of broad leaf crops. It is a safe and effective herbicide that can help farmers to improve their yields and reduce their reliance on herbicides.

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