Harmony GT XP
- Manufacturer
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- N/A
- Registration number
- 279-9577
- Active materials
- thifensulfuron-methyl0 lb/gallon
- Links
- LabelView
For Use on Wheat, Barley, Oat, Triticale, Fallow, Corn, Soybeans and as a Pre-Plant or Post-Harvest Herbicide
HARMONY GT XP herbicide may be used for selective postemergence control of certain broadleaf weeds in wheat (including durum), barley, oat, triticale, post-harvest burndown, pre-plant burndown, fallow, corn and soybeans. HARMONY GT XP herbicide is a dry flowable granule to be mixed in water or other listed carrier and applied as a uniform broadcast spray. It is noncorrosive, nonflammable, nonvolatile and does not freeze.
Injury to or loss of adjacent sensitive crops, desirable trees or vegetation may result from failure to observe the following:
• Do not apply or drain or flush equipment on or near desirable trees or other plants, or on areas where their roots extend, or in locations where the product may be washed or moved into contact with their roots.
• Do not use on lawns, walks, driveways, or tennis courts.
• Do not allowspraysto driftto desirableplants
• Do not apply to wheat, barley oats or triticale underseeded with another crop.
• Do not apply this product through any type of irrigationsystem.
• Do not apply by air in the State of NewYork.
• Do not apply after planting sorghum or rice.
• Do not apply later than 7 days before planting cotton.
• Do not allow livestock to graze on, or feed forage, hay or straw from treated soybean fields.
• Do not graze or feed forage or grain from treated field corn to livestock within 30 days of application.
• Do not make more than one pre-plant or at-planting application of HARMONY GT XP herbicide to field corn, rice, sorghum, or soybeans per year
• Do not apply HARMONY GT XP herbicide to crops that are stressed by severe weather conditions, drought (including low levels of subsoil moisture), low fertility, water-saturated soil, disease, or insect damage, as crop injury may result. Risk of injury is greatest to cereals when the crop is in the 2 to 5- leaf stage. Severe winter stress, drought, disease, or insect damage following application also may result in crop injury.
- Calibrate sprayers only with clean water away from the well site.
- Make scheduled checks of spray equipment.
- Assure accurate measurement of pesticides by all operation employees.
- Mix only enough product for the job at hand.
- Avoid over-filling of spray tank.
- Dilute and agitate excess solution and apply at labeledrates/uses.
- Avoid storage of pesticides near well sites.
- When triple rinsing the pesticide container, be sure to add the rinsate to the spray mix.
- Take all necessary precautions to avoid all direct or indirect contact (including spray drift) with non-target plants or areas.
- Carefully observeall sprayercleanup instructions both priorto andafterusingthis product,asspraytank residue may damage crops other than wheat, barley, oats, triticale, corn or soybeans.
- For ground applications applied when dry, dusty field conditions exist, control of weeds in wheel track areas may be reduced. Soybeans, corn, and cereal varieties may differ in their response to various herbicides. FMC advises that you first consult your state experiment station, university, or extension agent as to sensitivity to any herbicide. If no information is available, limit the initial use of HARMONY GT XP herbicide to a small area.
- For cereals under certain conditions including heavy rainfall, prolonged cold weather (daily high temperature less than 50 Deg. F.), or wide fluctuations in day/night temperatures prior to or soon after HARMONY GT XP herbicide application, temporary discoloration and/or crop injury may occur. To reduce the potential of crop injury, tank mix HARMONY GT XP herbicide with 2,4-D (ester formulations perform best– see the "TANK MIXTURES IN CEREALS" section of this label) and apply after the crop is in the tillering stage ofgrowth.
- Seedling disease, nematodes, cold weather, deep planting (more than 2”), excessive moisture, high salt concentration, and/or drought may weaken cotton seedlings and increase the possibility of crop injury. Cotton resumes normal growth once favorable growing conditions return.
Registered for cultures |
Winter wheat |
Spring wheat |
Spring barley |
Winter barley |
Spring oats |
Winter oats |
Winter triticale |
Spring triticale |
Fallow |
Corn |
Soybeans |