Hexygon DF Ovicide/Miticide

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Hexygon DF Ovicide/Miticide is recommended for use as a foliar application to labeled crops. Hexygon provides effective control of spider mites in the Tetranychid Family. It is a 50% dry-flowable formulation to be mixed with a diluent and applied as a spray. Hexygon controls mites through activity on eggs and immature stages. Control is achieved from either direct contact with the spray or from contact with treated plant surfaces. Through its ovicidal activity, Hexygon controls newly deposited mite eggs and eggs which are laid after application. Hexygon is also highly effective in controlling immature motile stages of target mite species that are sprayed or move onto treated surfaces. Adult mites are not directly affected. However, eggs produced by females in contact with treated surfaces will be rendered nonviable. Hexygon provides extended residual control of pest mite species. The degree and duration of control is dependent on the rate used, growth stage of the mite, species of mite, and climatic conditions under which the material is applied.

It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Follow all directions on packaging and any EPAapproved supplemental labeling. Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation.

Chemigation Statement: Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation system.

Managing Mite Resistance: Repeated use of miticides with similar modes of action may lead to buildup of resistant strains of mites. For resistance management, apply Hexygon only once per crop cycle. If crop cycle is longer than one year do not apply Hexygon more than once per year. Do not apply if resistance to products with a similar mode of action, such as Ovation (clofentazine), is recognized in the crop. If additional miticide applications are needed during a crop cycle, use a product with a different mode of action, such as a contact adulticide. Always read and follow the product label before applying any miticide.

Proper Timing: The activity of Hexygon is predominantly against eggs and immature mites. The product should be applied prior to adult mite buildup. Apply at first sign of egg deposit. If adult mites are present in medium to high populations or if all life stages are present, better results may be obtained by applying Hexygon in combination with a registered contact mite adulticide.

Proper Mixing: Start with completely clean spray tank. If the spray tank was used for an application of an emulsifiable liquid formulation, make certain that all residues are cleaned from the spray tank, and that the tank, spray boom and all nozzles are thoroughly rinsed before adding Hexygon to the tank.