Imazaquin/Imazethapyr DG

Amvac Chemical
Registered until
Registration number
Active materials

IMAZAQUINIlMAZETIMPYR DG is a uniquely flexible broad-spectrum herbicide which may be applied preplan! incorporated, preplant surface, preemergence or postemergence in soybeans. The application method of choice will depend on the anticipated weed spectrum and the preference of the applicator.
When lMAZAQUINIlMAZETIMPYR DG is applied to the soil, susceptible weeds emerge, growth stops, and then the weeds either die or are not competitive with the crop.
When lMAZAQUINIlMAZETIMPYR DG is applied postemergence, absorption occurs through both the foliage and roots. Susceptible weeds stop growing and either die or are not competitive with the crop.
A timely cultivation may aid in the control of certain weeds or improve general weed control when adequate moisture is not received after application. Cultivation should be shallow After postemergence treatments. wait at least 10 days before cultivating.
The mode of weed killing activity involves uptake of Imazaquin/Imazethapyr DG by weed rots andlor foliage and rapid translocation to growing points. Therefore, adequate soil moisture is important for optimum lMAZAQUINIlMAZETHAPYR DG activity. The amount of rainfall or irrigatio" required following application
depends on existing soil moisture, soil texture and organic matter content. Sufficient water to moisten the soil to a depth of 2 inches is normally adequate. If adequate moisture is not received within 7 day, after treatment, then a culti,ation or postcmergence herbicide application may be needed to improve weed control. When adequatc moisture is received after dry conditions, IMAZAQUINIIMAZFTHAPYR DG will provide residual control of susceptible gerrrinating weeds; activity on established weeds will depend on the weed species and the location of its root system in the soil.
Occasionally, internode shortening of soybean  may be observed with Imazaquin/Imazethapyr DG applications. This has no effect on soybean yields.
Following the use of this product and chemically related products with the same mode of action, naturally occurring biotypes' of some of the weeds listed on this label cannot be effectively controlled by this and related products. This product should be tank-mixed or appiied sequentially with an appropriate registered herbicide having a different mode of action to ensure control of resistant biotypes .
• A weed biotype is a naturally occurring individual within a given species that has a slightly different. but distinct genetic makeup from other individuals. See your Cyanamid representative for additional information.

Registered for cultures