Incognito 4.5F

Registered until
Registration number
Active materials

Apply Incognito 4.5 F with ground or aerial equipment using sufficient volume of spray to provide thorough coverage. Add required amount of Incognito 4.5 F to partially filled tank agitated by mechanical or hydraulic means and then add remaining required amount of water. Continuous agitation is required to keep the material in suspension. Do not tank mix with highly alkaline pesticides such as Bordeaux mixture or lime sulfur. No claim of compatibility with other pesticides is implied. Use the higher rate under conditions of severe disease pressure. Also see local State Extension Service recommendations for application schedules.
Use the FLOZ./ACRE rate for concentrate sprayers (less than 400 gallons) and aerial application. Use the FLOZ./100 GAL rate for dilute ground application. CHEMIGATION INSTRUCTIONS: Chemigation instructions follow DIRECTIONS FOR USE. Do not apply through any irrigation system unless these instructions are followed. In California, chemigation is only allowed for the following crops: beans, cucurbits (cucumbers, melons, pumpkins, and squash), peanuts, soybeans, and strawberries.
When an adjuvant is to be used with this product, Makhteshim Agan of North America, Inc. suggests the use of a Chemical Producers and Distributors Association certified adjuvant.

Registered for culturesRatePreharvest Interval
Almonds30 fl oz3
Apples20 - 30 fl oz1
Beans20 - 40 fl oz14
Dry lima beans20 - 40 fl oz14
Snap beans20 - 40 fl oz14
Kidney beans20 - 40 fl oz14
Mung beans20 - 40 fl oz14
Navy beans20 - 40 fl oz14
Pinto beans20 - 40 fl oz14
Wax beans20 - 40 fl oz14
Dry broad beans20 - 40 fl oz28
Asparagus20 - 40 fl oz14
Blackeyed peas20 - 40 fl oz14
Cowpea20 - 40 fl oz14
Lupines20 - 40 fl oz14
Chickpeas20 - 40 fl oz14
Garbanzo beans20 - 40 fl oz14
Cucumbers10 fl oz1
Melons10 fl oz1
Squash10 fl oz1
Pumpkins10 fl oz1
Watermelon10 fl oz1
Garlic0 fl oz
Onions40 fl oz
Peanuts10 fl oz14
Pecans20 fl oz
Pistachios30 - 40 fl oz
Potatoes20 - 30 fl oz21
Soybeans10 - 20 fl oz21
Apricots30 fl oz1
Cherries22.5 - 30 fl oz1
Nectarines30 fl oz1
Peaches30 fl oz1
Plums24 - 30 fl oz1
Strawberries15 - 20 fl oz1
Sugar beets8 - 20 fl oz21
Winter triticale20 fl oz
Spring triticale20 fl oz
Winter wheat20 fl oz
Spring wheat20 fl oz