Integral II Liquid Biological Fungicide

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INTEGRAL II contains bacteria that colonize developing root and shoot systems of plants, suppressing by competition, disease organisms such as Botrytis, Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, and Alternaria as well as those organisms causing powdery mildew and anthracnose. Protection against root and soil borne pathogens is extended throughout the growing season as bacteria grow with the roots. As a result of this biological protection, vigorous root and shoot systems are established by treated plants, resulting in more uniform stands and greater yields.
In addition, INTEGRAL 11 has been shown to increase the amount of nodulation by nitrogen-fixing bacteria when used on many legumes. This improvement in nodulation is a result of a healthier root system allowing more sites for nodules to form from inoculated or naturally occurring soil home nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
INTEGRAL II is for use in foliar and in-furrow applications or for treatment of soil or growing media. Apply INTEGRAL 11 using conventional application equipment as well as irrigation systems commonly used for chemigation.