Joint Venture

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JOINT VENTURE is a proprietary blend of nonionic organosilicone surfactants and esterified fatty acids. It is designed for use with biological and biorational pesticides. JOINT VENTURE is particularly effective with those products that contain Neem Oil, Azadirachtin, Spodoptera exigua NPV or Bacillus thurengensis (Bt) as active ingredients. The addition of JOINT VENTURE to a spray tank solution will improve a spray application by physically modifying the deposition and wetting characteristics of the spray solution, the result being a more uniform spray deposit. Although JOINT VENTURE can positively affect the spray application, optimum application and effect can be affected by, but is not limited to, the pesticide or product, the carrier, crop, pest, spray equipment, spray volume, pressure, droplet size and environmental factors.

The addition of a spray adjuvant to some pesticide or pesticide tank mix combinations may cause phytotoxicity to the foliage and/or fruit of susceptible crops or plants. Consequently, prior to the use of JOINT VENTURE in a spray tank mix or prior to the application of a tank mix with a product where a nonionic spray adjuvant is not specifically recommended but not prohibited by the products label, the user or application advisor must have experience with the combination under similar environmental and cultural conditions, or have conducted a phytotoxicity test under these same conditions.
USE: May be applied by Ground, Aerial, Controlled Droplet Application (CDA) or aquatic spray equipment.
Ground, Aquatic: Use 1-2 pints per 100 gallons of spray solution. This is equivalent to 0.125%-0.25% volume/volume concentration.
Aerial, CDA: Use at a 0.35% to 1.0% volume/volume concentration. This is equivalent to 3-8 pints per 100 gallons of spray solution. When using 1-3 gallons of spray solution per acre, use 2-3 ounces per acre. When using more than 3 gallons of spray solution per acre, use 3-6 ounces per acre.
NOTE: Some pesticide(s) label(s) may recommend higher or lower rates of spray adjuvant. When this occurs, follow the pesticide(s) label(s) recommendations.

1. Prior to any pesticide application all spray mixing and application equipment must be clean. Carefully observe all cleaning directions on the pesticide(s) label(s). To prevent or minimize foaming, fill tank to 2/3 to 3/4 full of water and add an anti-foaming agent such as FOAM BUSTER to the spray tank before pesticides, nutrients, or JOINT VENTURE are added.
2. Add pesticides and/or fertilizers as directed by label or in the following sequence:
A. Micronutrients and fertilizers

B. Dry flowables and dispersible granules
C. Flowables
D. Water soluble pesticides
E. Emulsifiable concentrates
3. Continue agitation
4. Add JOINT VENTURE and mix for 1 to 2 minutes with lower than normal agitation.
5. Continue filling tank maintaining minimal agitation.
6. For optimum results, spray mixes containing JOINT VENTURE should be applied within 36 hours after mixing.