LPI Chlor-Metsul

Loveland Products
Registered until
Registration number
Active materials

This product is recommended for use on land primarily dedicated to the longterm production.of wheat and barley.
This product is a dry-flowable granule that controls weeds in wheat (including durum). barley and fallow.
This product is recommended for use in all states (except in Alamosa. Conejos.
Costilla, Rio Grande. and Saguache counties of Colorado - unless directed otherwise by supplemental labeling).
This product is mixed in water or may be slurried in water then added directly into liquid nitrogen. fertilizer solutions and applied as a uniform broadcast spray. A surfactant should be used in the spray mix unless otherwise specified on this label.
This product is noncorrosive. nonflammable. nonvolatile. and does not freeze.
This product controls weeds by both preemergence and postemergence actiVity.
For best preemergence results. apply this product before weed seeds germinate.
Use sprinkler irrigation or allow rainfall to move this product 2" to 3" deep into the soil profile.
For best postemergence resuhs. apply this product to young. actively growing weeds.
The use rate depends upon the weed spectrum and size of weeds at the time of application. The degree and duration of control may depend on the following:
• weed spectrum and infestation intensity
• weed size at application
• environmental conditions at and following treatment

Product Measurement
This product is measured using the product volumetric measuring cylinder. Thedegree of accuracy of this cylinder varies by ± 7.5%. For more precise measurement, use scales calibrated in ounces.
Pesticide Handling
o Calibrate sprayers only with clean water away from the well site.
o Make scheduled checks of spray equipment
o Ensure accurate measurement of pesticides by all operation employees.
o Mix only enough product for the job at hand,
o Avoid overfilling of spray tank.
o Do not discharge excess material oil the soil at a single spot in the field/grove or mixinglloading station,
o Dilute and agitate excess solution and apply at labeled rates/uses.
o Avoid storage of pesticides near well sites.
o When triple rinsing the pesticide container, be sure to add the rinsate to the spray mix.

Mixing Instructions
1. Fill the tank 14 to '13 full of water (If using liquid nitrogen fertilizer solution inplace of water, see TANK MIXTURES sections for additional details).
2. While agitating, add the required amount of this product
3. Continue agitation until the this product is fully dispersed, at least 5 minutes.
4. Once this product is fully dispersed, maintain agitation and continue filling tank with water. This product should be thoroughly mixed with water before adding any other material.
5. As the tank is filling, add tank mix partners (if desired) then add the necessary volume of non ionic surfactant Always add surfactant last
6. If the mixture is not continuously agitated, settling will occur, If settling occurs, thoroughly re-agitate before using,
7. Apply this product spray mixture within 24 hours of mixing to avoid productdegradation.
8. If this product and a tank mix partner are to be applied in multiple loads,pre-slurry this product in clean water prior to adding to the tank, This will prevent the tank mix partner from interfering with the dissolution of this product
Do not use this product with spray additives that reduce the pH of the spray solution to below 3.0.

Registered for cultures
Winter wheat
Spring wheat
Durum Wheat
Spring barley
Winter barley