MCPA-4 Amine

Registered until
Registration number
Active materials

It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its label. READ ENTIRE LABEL BEFORE USING THIS PRODUCT. USE STRICTLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH LABEL PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS AND DIRECTIONS.

Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation.
MCPA is effective on a large number of broadleaf weeds and is useful for controlling these weeds in certain crops. Several crops, such as flax, oats, and small grains underseeded to legumes, are more tolerant of MCPA than they are of 2,4-D. Crop varieties vary in response to MCPA, and some may be easily injured. Apply this product only to varieties known to be tolerant to MCPA. Injury to crops may occur from this pesticide. If you are not prepared to accept some degree of crop injury, do not use this product. If you are uncertain concerning tolerant varieties or local use situations that may affect crop tolerance to MCPA, contact your seed company or State Agricultural Extension Service for advice.
NOTE: Adding oil, wetting agent or other surfactant to the spray may reduce selectivity to crops, possibly resulting in crop injury.

See individual crop use directions for additional restrictions and maximum application rates.
The minimum retreatment interval is 21 days.
Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation system. Barley, oats, rye, wheat, flax and peas treated with MCPA may be replanted immediately with any crop specified on an MCPA label or any crop for which a residue tolerance exists for MCPA. For crops not listed on an MCPA label, or on crops for which no residue tolerances for MCPA have been established, a 60-day plantback interval must be observed. This product will kill or seriously injure many desirable forms of vegetation. Do not apply directly to flowers, fruits, grapes, tomatoes, ornamentals, cotton or other desirable plants. Vapors from this product may injure susceptible plants in the immediate vicinity. Do not apply when weather conditions favor drift from target area.

Registered for cultures
Spring barley
Winter barley
Winter wheat
Spring wheat
Spring oats
Winter oats
Winter rye
Spring rye
Winter triticale
Spring triticale
Winter flax
Spring flax