Nitro Shield IV
- Manufacturer
- WinField
- Category
- Insecticides
- Registered until
- N/A
- Registration number
- 1381-252
- Active materials
- imidacloprid4 lb/gallon
- Links
- LabelView
It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.
For use in commercial seed treatment facilities, with the exception of application to canola, cotton (delinted seed), field corn, sorghum, wheat, and barley, which may be made either by commercial seed treatment or as an end-use seed treatment on agricultural establishments at, or immediately before, planting.
This product is to be used in liquid or slurry treaters only. Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation. Mix thoroughly before use or use entire container at one time. All tank mixes must be pre-tested to determine physical compatibility between formulations. Take the most restrictive for all cautions and limitations on labeling of all products used in mixtures.
• Do not use as a planter (hopper) box treatment.
• California: Only for use in commercial seed treatment facilities, not allowed for "on farm" use.
• On Farm Treatment: Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation system.
• Do not use for feed, food, or oil purpose.
• Excess treated seed may be used for ethanol production only if (1) by-products are not used for livestock feed and (2) no measurable residues of pesticides remain in the ethanol by-products that are used in agronomic practice.
• Store away from feeds and foodstuffs.
• Treated seed must be planted into the soil at a depth greater than 1 inch.
• Treated seeds exposed on soil surface may be hazardous to wildlife. Cover or collect treated seeds that are spilled during handling.
• Dispose of all excess treated seed. Leftover seed may be double sown around the headland or buried away from water sources in accordance with local requirements.
• Do not contaminate water bodies when disposing of planting equipment wash water.
• In the event of crop failure or harvest of a crop grown from Nitro Shield IV treated seed, the field may be replanted immediately to artichoke, barley, Brassica (cole) leafy vegetables, canola, cilantro, corn (field or sweet), cotton, cranberry, cucurbits, eggplant, groundcherry, leafy petiole vegetables, leafy vegetables, legume vegetables (succulent or dried), mustard seed, oats, okra, pepinos, pepper, popcorn, potato, rapeseed, sorghum, soybean, strawberry, sugarbeets, tomatillo, tomato, triticale, turnip greens, root and tuber vegetables, watercress, and wheat. For cereals, including buckwheat, millet, rice and rye and for safflower, the minimum plant back interval is 30 days from the date Nitro Shield IV treated seed was planted. Cover crops for soil building or erosion control may be planted at any time, but do not graze or harvest for food or feed. For all other crops not listed on an imidacloprid label, or for crops for which no imidacloprid tolerance for the active ingredient has been established, a 12 month plant-back interval must be observed.
Do not allow children, pets or livestock to have access to treated seed.
The maximum application rate (all imidacloprid uses: seed treatment, foliar application, soil application) per acre per year for imidacloprid is 0.5 Ib. Do not use more than 0.5 Ib. (226.8 mg) per acre per year.
Do not apply a neonicitinoid insecticide within 45 days of planting seed treated with Nitro Shield® IV.
Notification of the crop rotational restriction must be conveyed to the grower by appropriate seed tag labeling or bag printing on all seed units.
The purchaser of this product is responsible for ensuring that all seeds treated with this product are adequately dyed with a suitable color to prevent its accidental use as food for man or feed for animals. Refer to 21 CFR, Part 2.25. Any dye or colorant added to treated seed must be cleared for use under 40 CFR, Part 180.1001. Federal regulations have established official tolerances for certain pesticide residues. In order that residues on food and forage crops will not exceed established tolerances, use only at labeled rates.
Treated seed must not be used for or mixed with food or animal feed or processed for oil. Seed commercially treated with Nitro Shield IV must be labeled in accordance with allapplicable requirements under the Federal Seed Act.
Labels for commercially treated seed should include the following addition to the Environmental
Hazards statements:
Exposed treated seed may be hazardous to birds. Dispose of all excess treated seed and seed packaging by burial away from bodies of water. Cover or incorporate spilled treated seeds.
Rape greens grown and harvested from Nitro Shield IV treated seed must not be used for human and feed consumption. Rapeseed grown and harvested from treated seed is only for industrial uses and cannot be used for edible oil or any other human/feed consumption
Registered for cultures |
Canola |
Winter flax |
Spring flax |
Safflowers |
Sunflowers |
Corn |
Sweet corn |
Winter wheat |
Spring wheat |
Spring barley |
Winter barley |
Spring oats |
Winter oats |
Winter rye |
Spring rye |
Winter triticale |
Spring triticale |
Sorghum |
Millet |
Cotton |
Sugar beets |
Potatoes |