On Deck

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ON DECK is a postemergence herbicide for controlling a wide spectrum of annual, biennial, and perennial broadleaf weeds and brush in general farmstead areas; certain noncrop areas; and for forest management.

Mode of Action
ON DECK contains two active ingredients uniquely formulated to be used alone or tank mixed with other listed products as well as liquid fertilizer solutions. ON DECK is readily absorbed by plants through shoot and root uptake, translocates throughout the plant’s system, and accumulates in areas of active growth. ON DECK interferes with the plant’s growth hormones (auxins) resulting in death of many broadleaf weeds. For best results, thoroughly clean sprayer equipment (tank, lines and nozzles) immediately after use by flushing system with water and heavy duty detergent or other suitable tank cleaner.

Apply ON DECK at the rates and growth stages listed in Tables 1 and 2 as follows unless instructed differently by section on “Food/Feed Crop Specific Information” or “Non-Food/Feed Use (Land not Harvested, Grazed or Foraged)-Specific Information.” ON DECK may be applied using water or sprayable fluid fertilizer as a carrier. Sprayable fluid fertilizer may be used as the carrier in preplant or preemergence use for all crops listed on this label. Postemergence uses with sprayable fluid fertilizer may be made on pasture, hayland, or wheat crops only. The most effective application rate and timing varies based on the target weed species (refer to Table I). In mixed populations of weeds the correct rate is determined by the weed species requiring the highest rate. Delaying application permits weeds to exceed the maximum size and will prevent adequate control. For certain specified applications liquid fertilizer or oil may replace part or all of the water as diluent. If dry flowable (DF), wettable powder (WP) or flowable (F) tank mix products are to be used, these should generally be added to the spray tank first. Follow the mixing directions on the labels of the tank mix products. Apply product only when active weed growth is evident.

Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation system.

Spray Coverage:
Weeds must be thoroughly covered with spray. Dense leaf canopies shelter smaller weeds and prevent adequate spray coverage. Do not apply more than 2 applications per year.

Sensitive Crop Precautions:
ON DECK may cause injury to desirable trees and plants, particularly beans, cotton, flowers, fruit trees, grapes, ornamentals, peas, potatoes, soybeans, sunflowers, tobacco, tomatoes and other broadleaf plants when contacting their roots, stems or foliage. At high temperatures (about 85 degrees or higher), vapors from this product may cause injury to the aforementioned susceptible crops. These plants are most sensitive to ON DECK during their development or growing stage. Do not treat areas where either possible downward movement into the soil or surface washing may cause contact of ON DECK with the roots of desirable trees and shrubs.

Drift Reduction Information:
The following information may be helpful in reducing possible spray drift from ground or aerial applications. Avoid making applications when spray particle may be carried by air currents to areas where sensitive crops and plants are growing. Do not spray near sensitive plants if the wind is gusty or in excess of 5 mph and moving in the direction of nearby sensitive crops or if a temperature inversion exists. Always determine the direction and distance of possible spray drift prior to application. Leave an adequate buffer zone between area to be treated and sensitive plants. Coarse sprays are less likely to drift out of the target area than fine sprays. Properly maintain and calibrate all spray equipment. The use of agriculturally accepted drift retardants are acceptable and advised. Avoid applications within the vicinity of susceptible plants when at all possible. Do not apply in greenhouses.