
Rallis India
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Paralac is a selective, systemic herbicide developed by Rallis India Limited for the post-emergence control of broadleaf weeds in rice crops. It is a combination of two active ingredients: 2,4-D and bentazon.

Active Materials

  • 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) is a synthetic auxin herbicide that mimics the effects of the plant hormone auxin. Auxin plays a role in many plant growth processes, including cell elongation and differentiation. 2,4-D causes uncontrolled cell growth and differentiation, which can lead to weed death.
  • Bentazon is a contact herbicide that inhibits photosystem II, a key enzyme in the process of photosynthesis. By inhibiting photosynthesis, bentazon prevents weeds from producing the energy they need to survive.

Mode of Action

Paralac is a systemic herbicide, meaning that it is absorbed by the weed through the leaves and roots and then translocated throughout the plant. Once inside the plant, Paralac disrupts the plant's growth processes, leading to weed death.


Paralac is highly selective to rice crops, with a wide safety margin. This means that it can be used to control weeds in rice fields without harming the rice crop itself.

Application and Dosage

Paralac should be applied post-emergence, when weeds are 2-4 inches tall. The recommended dosage is 1-1.5 liters per acre. Paralac can be applied using a variety of spray equipment, including knapsack sprayers, boom sprayers, and aerial sprayers.


  • Always wear personal protective equipment (PPE) when handling and applying herbicides.
  • Do not apply Paralac to rice crops that are stressed or diseased.
  • Avoid spraying Paralac in windy conditions.
  • Re-flood the field within 48-72 hours of application.
  • Maintain water for 5-7 days to suppress weed emergence.

Overall, Paralac is a safe and effective herbicide for the control of broadleaf weeds in rice crops.

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