Progibb 40

Registered until
Registration number
Active materials

It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the State or Tribal agency responsible for pesticide regulation.

Use only as directed. Read the label thoroughly and make sure it is understood before making applications. Keep out of reach of children.
Application Instructions:
• ProGibb 40% water soluble granule contains gibberellic acid which is an extremely potent plant growth regulator; when applying plant growth regulators, deviations from the label directions in the rates, timings, water volumes, or the adoption of untested spray mixes, results in undesirable effects.Always consult the local Valent representative in your area for the spray regimen best suited to your conditions.
• Do not apply to plants under pest, nutritional, or water stress.
• When a range of rates is indicated, use the concentration and spray volume indicated locally by the local Valent representative.
• For optimum effectiveness, thorough spray coverage of the target area must be achieved. Prepare solution concentrations by mixing the required amount of product with water in a clean, empty spray tank. Discard any unused spray material at the end of each day following local, state or federal law.
• For most efficacious results, use water with a pH of 4.0 to 8.5 Use buffer for water with pH above or below this range.
• Applications made under slow drying conditions (cool to warm temperatures, medium to high relative humidity, and no wind) will increase absorption of the active ingredient by the plant, thus optimizing effectiveness. Night-time
applications are encouraged when day-time conditions are not conducive to slow drying conditions.
• Rain fastness: Re-apply if significantrain occurs within 2 hours of application.
• Compatibility: When considering tank mixing with other products, use the following compatibility jar test before mixing
a whole tank. Start with a clear glass or plastic quart jar. Add water from the same water source that will be used for the larger tank mix. Add the pesticides in correct proportions. Mix thoroughly and let stand for a minimum 15 minutes. Heat, separation, gelling, are all signs of incompatibility. Before using any mixes that pass the jar tests for compatibility, it is imperative to test the mixture on a designated area as it may result either in phytotoxicity or ineffectiveness. For further information, consult your local Valent representative.
• For aerial applications spray volumes must be greater than 2 gals per acre (10 gals per acre for tree crops).
• No preharvest interval is required for this product

Registered for cultures