Promalin Plant Growth Regulator Solution

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It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation.

Promalin is a plant growth regulator for use on apples and pears, non-bearing pears and non-bearing sweet cherries. When applied according to label directions to healthy, wellmanaged trees and under favorable weather conditions (see General Instructions), Promalin provides one or more of the following benefits in some varieties:
1. Improve the shape of apples through fruit elongation and development of more' prominent calyx lobes ("typiness"). These desirable effects will be more evident in years when natural typiness is limited.
2. Increase fruit size and weight on most apple varieties. Some fruit thirming has been known to occur from the use of Promalin.
3. Increase lateral bud break and shoot growth (branching), and improve branch angle on , nursery stock and young trees of most apple varieties. This effect provides a better tree framework for early cropping.
4. Increase lateral bud break and shoot growth, and improve branch angle on non-bearing trees of most European pear and sweet cherry varieties, including nursery stock. This effect provides a better tree framework for early cropping.

5. To increase fruit set in apple and pears after a frost during flowering.

Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation system.
When a range of rates is indicated, use the concentration and spray volume directed loeally by the Valent BioSeiences Corporation agricultural specialist (1-800-323- 9597).
For optimum effectiveness, thorough spray eoverage must be achieved. All parts of the plant must receive the spray or desired results will not occur. On bearing trees, direct approximately 85% of the spray volume into the upper two-thirds of the trees.
Promalin applications made under slow drying conditions (cool to warm temperatures, medium to high relative humidity, and no wind) will increase absorption by the plant, thus optimizing effectiveness. Night-time applications are encouraged when day-time conditions are not conducive to slow drying eonditions.
Do not apply Promalin when air temperatures are below freezing or greater than 90°F.
For optimum results, have the water pH near neutral (pH 7) and always below 8.5
Rainfall or overhead irrigation within 6 hours after spraying will often reduce the activity of Promalin.
Compatibility: The Promalin Application Instructions refer to use of the product alone. Data concerning the compatibility of Promalin with other agricultural
 ompounds is not available. Valent Biosciences Corporation does not assume responsibility for unexpeeted results due to the tank mixing of Promalin with other products.
Mixing Instructions: Add the required amount of Promalin to a spray tank about halffilled with water. Agitate while bringing the total volume of water to the requiredlevel. Mix new solutions only in a clean, empty spray tank, and use within 24 hours. . Discard any unused spray material following local, state, or federal law.


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