Raxil MD Extra W

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RAXIL MD EXTRA W is a combination of the insecticide, imidacloprid and the systemic fungicides, lebuconazole, metalaxyl and imazalil that aid in the control or suppression of the following seed, seedling and soilborne diseases of wheat, barley and triticale: stinking smut, flag smut, loose smut, early season Septoria disease complex, general seed rots, pythium damping-off, early season Rhizoctonia root rot, early season common root rot, seed borne Fusarium scab, early season Fusarium foot rot, early season suppression of powdery mildew and rust. Imidacloprid offers suppression of wireworm activity on seed and young seedlings.

Registered for cultures
Winter wheat
Spring wheat
Spring barley
Winter barley
Winter triticale
Spring triticale