Rimsulfuron 50 + Thifensulfuron 25 WG

Rotam Agrochemical
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It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.
Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation.

Rimsulfuron 50% + Thifensulfuron 25% WG is a water dispersible granule selective herbicide for burndown and residual control of certain annual grass and broadleaf weeds when applied pre-emergence and post-emergence to field corn. Tank mix Rimsulfuron 50% + Thifensulfuron 25% WG with a variety of herbicides to improve burndown and residual control.
Plant roots and leaf tissue absorb Rimsulfuron 50% + Thifensulfuron 25% WG inhibiting the growth of susceptible weeds. Residual weed control depends on rainfall or sprinkler irrigation for herbicide activation. Susceptible weeds will generally not emerge from a pre-emergence application. In some cases, susceptible weeds will germinate and emerge a few days after application, but growth ceases and leaves become chlorotic 3-5 days post-emergence. Death of leaf tissue and growing point will follow in some species, while others will remain green, stunted and noncompetitive.
Herbicidal action of Rimsulfuron 50% + Thifensulfuron 25% WG will be less effective on weeds stressed from adverse weather conditions (such as extreme temperatures or moisture), abnormal soil conditions or cultural practices.
Rimsulfuron 50% + Thifensulfuron 25% WG is most effective in controlling weeds when adequate rainfall or irrigation is received within 5-7 days after application. If cultivation is necessary because of soil crusting, soil compaction or weed germination before rain occurs, use shallow tillage such as rotary hoe to lightly incorporate Rimsulfuron 50% + Thifensulfuron 25% WG and make sure corn seeds are below the tilled area.

When herbicides that affect the same biological site of action are used repeatedly over several years to control the same weed species in the same field, naturally-occurring resistant biotypes may survive a correctly applied herbicide treatment, propagate, and become dominant in that field. Adequate control of these resistant weed biotypes cannot be expected. If weed control is unsatisfactory, it may be necessary to retreat the problem area using a product affecting a different site of action.
To better manage herbicide resistance through delaying the proliferation and possible dominance of herbicide resistant weed biotypes, it may be necessary to change cultural practices within and between crop seasons such as using a combination of tillage, retreatment, tank-mix partners and/or sequential herbicide applications that have a different site of action.
Weed escapes that are allowed to go to seed will promote the spread of resistant biotypes. It is advisable to keep accurate records of pesticides applied to individual fields to help obtain information on the spread and dispersal of resistant biotypes. Consult your agricultural dealer, consultant, applicator, and/or appropriate state agricultural extension representative for specific alternative cultural practices or herbicide instructions available in your area.

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