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Product Overview

Spandiko (Dharmaj Crop Guard) Pendimethalin 30% EC is a pre-emergence herbicide used to control a broad spectrum of annual grasses and certain broadleaf weeds in various crops. It is a liquid formulation of pendimethalin, a well-established herbicide with a unique mode of action. Spandiko provides effective weed control and residual activity, making it a versatile tool for crop weed management.

Active Ingredient

  • Pendimethalin: Pendimethalin is a dinitroaniline herbicide that disrupts cell division in plant roots. This disruption leads to stunted root growth and eventually plant death.

Mode of Action

Spandiko (Dharmaj Crop Guard) Pendimethalin 30% EC is a pre-emergence herbicide that is absorbed by the soil. Once absorbed, the herbicide is taken up by germinating weed seeds and roots. Pendimethalin disrupts cell division in plant roots, preventing the development of a strong root system. Without a proper root system, weeds cannot compete with crops for water and nutrients, leading to their stunted growth and eventual death.

Application Methods

Spandiko (Dharmaj Crop Guard) Pendimethalin 30% EC is applied as a pre-emergence herbicide. The herbicide can be applied using a knapsack sprayer, boom sprayer, or aerial applicator. It is important to apply Spandiko to a well-prepared seedbed with a moisture level suitable for crop emergence. Irrigation after application can improve the efficacy of Spandiko by activating the herbicide and moving it into the weed germination zone.


Spandiko (Dharmaj Crop Guard) Pendimethalin 30% EC is registered for use on a variety of crops, including wheat, corn, soybeans, potatoes, cabbage, peas, carrots, and asparagus.

Re-entry Interval

The re-entry interval for Spandiko (Dharmaj Crop Guard) Pendimethalin 30% EC is 24 hours. This means that people should not enter treated areas until the spray has dried completely.

Registered for culturesRate
Winter wheat2.5 - 3.5 l
Spring wheat2.5 - 3.5 l
Corn3 - 4 l
Soybeans2 - 3 l
Potatoes2 - 2.5 l
Cabbages2 - 2.5 l
Peas2 - 2.5 l
Carrots2 - 2.5 l
Asparagus2.5 - 3 l