Spirato IM 413 FS

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It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a planner inconsistent with its labeling. For use in commercial seed treatment facilities, or as'an end-use seed treatment on agricultural establishments at, or immediately before, planting. This product is to be used in liquid or slurry treaters only.
DO NOT apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation.

SPIRATO IM 413 FS is a seed treatment product that protects against certain early season insects, soil-borne and seedborne diseases of listed crop plants. SPIRATO IM 413 FS contains the active ingredients imidacloprid, metalaxyl and fludioxonil.
Imidacloprid is a systemic seed treatment insecticide in the neonicitinoid class. Imidacloprid protects against listed chewing and sucking insect pests.
Metalaxyl is a fungicide which protects against Pythium, Phytophthora and systemic downy mildew. Fludioxonil is a fungicide which protects against Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, and suppresses seed-borne Sclerotinia and Phomopsis spp.
When using this product on-farm for seed treatment prior to planting, you must comply with the following USE RESTRICTIONS. If treated seed will not be immediately planted, but will be stored for planting at a later date, you must label the treated seed according to the "SEED BAG LABELING REQUIREMENTS" specified on this label.

DO NOT use as a planter (hopper) box treatment.
CALIFORNIA: Only for use in commercial seed treatment facilities, not allowed for "on farm" use.
ON FARM TREATMENT: DO NOT apply this product through any type of irrigation system.
DO NOT use for feed, food, or oil purpose.
Excess treated seed may be used for ethanol production only if (1) by-products are not used for livestock feed and (2) no measurable residues of pesticides remain in the ethanol by-products that are used in agronomic practice.
Store away from feeds and foodstuffs.
Treated seed must be planted into the soil at a depth greater than 1 inch.
Treated seeds exposed on soil surface may be hazardous to wildlife. Cover or collect treated seeds that are spilled during handling.
Dispose of all excess treated seed. Leftover seed may be doublesown around the headland or buried away from water sources in accordance with local requirements.
DO NOT contaminate water bodies when disposing of planting equipment wash water. 

In the event of a crop failure or harvest of a crop grown from SPIRATO IM 413 FS treated seed the field may be replanted immediately to artichoke barley Brassica (cole) leafy vegetables canola cilantro corn (field or sweet) cotton cranberry cucurbits eggplant groundcherry leafy petiole vegetables leafy vegetables legume vegetables (succulent or dried) mustard seed oats okra pepmos pepper popcorn potato rapeseed sorghum soybean strawberry sugarbeets tomatillo tomato tnticale turnip greens root and tuber vegetables watercress and wheat For cereals including buckwheat millet rice and rye and for safflower the minimum plant back interval is 30 days from the date SPIRATO IM 413 FS treated seed was planted Cover crops for soil building or erosion control may be planted at any time but do not graze or harvest for food or feed For all other crops not listed on an imidacloprid metalaxyl or fludioxonil label or for crops for which no imidacloprid metalaxyl or fludioxonil tolerance for the active ingredient has been established a 12 month plant back interval must be observed
DO NOT allow children pets or livestock to have access to treated seed
The maximum application rate (all imidacloprid uses seed treatment foliar application soil application) per acre per year for imidacloprid is 0 5 Ibs DO NOT use more than 0 5 Ib (226 8 mg) per acre per year DO NOT apply a neonicitinoid insecticide within 45 days of planting seed treated with SPIRATO IM 413 FS

Registered for cultures
Navy beans
Snap beans
Blackeyed peas
Kidney beans