Spray Oil 415
- Manufacturer
- Loveland Products
- Category
- Insecticides
- Registered until
- N/A
- Registration number
- 34704-727
- Active materials
- Petroleum oils0 lb/gallon
It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.
Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation system.
Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation
Use only in equipment with sufficient agitation to keep spray thoroughly mixed. Be sure tank is clean. With agitator running, start filling tank with water; add oil when tank is about ½ full. Pump this mixture through the overflow and back into tank for about two minutes. If this mixture turns white, it indicates good emulsification. Fill the tank with water, adding other desired materials as tank is filling. If wettable powders are used, add and thoroughly mix before adding oil. Observe all cautions and limitations on labeling of all products used in mixtures. Keep agitator running at all times. If an injector is used, first add 25 to 50 gals. of water to tank with engine running to provide good pressure. Put injector suction tube into the measured amount of spray oil, opening injector valve to allow the oil to be sucked into the tank, then fill the tank with water.
Apply when pests are present and as recommended below. Do not use in undiluted form. Sensitive foliage may be injured.
ALMONDS, APRICOTS, CHERRIES, NECTARINES, PEACHES: Dormant or Delayed Dormant: Black Scale, European Fruit Lecanium, San Jose Scale, Olive Scale, Frosted Scale, Aphid Eggs, European Red Mite Eggs, Brown Mite Eggs and Fruittree Leafroller Eggs—Use 1½ to 2 gals. per 100 gals. of water at 300 to 600 gals. per acre. (Concentrate Spray: Use 6 to 8 gals. per acre in minimum of 20 gals.water per acre.) White Peach Scale (PEACHES—Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina and Alabama only). Use 1½ to 2 gals. per 100 gals. of water at 300 to 600 gals. per acre before buds begin to swell in the spring. Make 2 applications7 to 14 days apart, according to local recommendations during the dormant period. (Concentrate Spray: Use 6 to 8 gals. per acre in a minimum of 20 gals. water per acre.)
Foliar Spray: Two-spotted Spider Mite, Pacific, European Red and Brown Mites— Use 1 to 1½ gals. per 100 gals. water at 300 to 600 gals. per acre. (Concentrate Spray: Use 4 to 6 gals. per acre in minimum of 20 gals. water per acre.)
APPLES, PEARS: Dormant or Delayed Dormant: European Fruit Lecanium, Olive Scale, San Jose Scale, European Red Mite Eggs, and on Apples only, Rosy Apple Aphid Eggs and Apple Aphid Eggs—Use 1½ to 2 gals. per 100 gals. water at 400 to 800 gals. per acre. (Concentrate Spray: Use 6 to 8 gals. per acre in minimum of 20 gals. water per acre.) Foliar Spray: Two-spotted Spider, Pacific and
European Red Mites—Use 1 gal. per 100 gals. water at 400 to 800 gals. per acre. (Concentrate Spray: Do not use more than 4 gals. per acre in minimum of 20 gals. water per acre.)
GRAPES: Dormant: Mealybug—Use 2 to 3 gals. plus the appropriate label rate of insecticide registered for use on grapes in 200 to 300 gals. water per acre.
LEMONS: Red Scales, Black Scales, Red Spider Mites—Use 5 to 5½ quarts per 100 gals. of water. Apply in the late spring and late summer through December.
NAVEL AND VALENCIA ORANGES: Scales (Red, Yellow, Citricola, Purple, Black), Red Spider Mites—Use 5 to 5½ quarts per 100 gals. of water. Apply in later summer through October.
PLUMS, PRUNES: Apply in the dormant or delayed dormant period. (Sacramento and Suisun Valley area; application preferred in pre-bloom when fruit buds show green tips.) Black Scale, European Fruit Lecanium Scale, San Jose Scale, Olive Scale, Frosted Scale, Mealy Plum Aphid Eggs, Leaf Curl Plum Aphid Eggs, Brown Mite Eggs, European Red Mite Eggs Use—1½ to 2 gals. per 100 gals. water at 300 to 600 gals. per acre. (Concentrate Spray: Use 6 to 8 gals. per acre in a minimum of 20 gals. water per acre.) Foliar Spray: Two-spotted Spider, Pacific, European Red and Brown Mites—Use 1 to 1½ gals. per 100 gals. water at 300 to 600 gals. per acre. (Concentrate Spray: Use 4 to 6 gals. per acre in a minimum of 20 gals. water per acre.)
WALNUTS: Delayed Dormant: Black Scale, European Fruit Lecanium Scale, San Jose Scale, Olive Scale, Frosted Scale, Calico Scale, European Red Mite Eggs and Walnut Aphid Eggs—Use 4 to 6 gals. per acre in 200 to 500 gals. water per acre. Use only on trees that have not suffered from lack of moisture at any time during the growing season. Do not apply to orchard where soil moisture is low. Trees must be fully dormant. Foliar Spray (When leaves fully expanded): Spider Mites— Use 4 to 6 gals. per acre in 200 gals. water per acre.
OLIVES: Postbloom through August and Postharvest: Olive Scale, Black Scale, Oleander Scale—Use 1½ gals. per 100 gals. water at 400 to 800 gals. per acre.
ORNAMENTALS, SHADE TREES: [Conifers, (see Note), Holly, Pyracantha, Sycamore, Hawthorne, Flowering Peach, Flowering Cherry, Apple, Magnolia, Maple, Dogwood, Oak, Privet, Birch]: Scales (Brown Soft, Oyster Shell, Brown Apricot, Black, San Jose), Red Spider Mites and Red Spider Mite Eggs Use 1 gal. to 100 gals. of water. Dormant Spray on Deciduous Varieties—Use 2 gals. per 100 gals. of water. Dormant Spray on Other Varieties—Use 1 gal. per 100 gals. of water. NOTE: May cause discoloration of blue spruce. Do not use on conifers or
ferns not tolerant to oil sprays.
Registered for cultures |
Almonds |
Apricots |
Cherries |
Nectarines |
Peaches |
Apples |
Pears |
Grapes |
Lemons |
Plums |
Walnut |