ST-Gibb 4LS

Registered until
Registration number
Active materials

It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. DO NOT apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation.

This product is a seed treatment for cereal crops (such as rice, wheat, barley, rye, corn, and sorghum) and grasses grown for seed production. When applied according to the use directions and rates on this label, ST-GIBB 4LS stimulates seed germination and promotes faster and more uniform stand establishment.
NOTE: Gibberellic Acid is an extremely potent plant growth regulator. For best results, read all directions for use thoroughly. Consult your local experiment station specialist, distributor, or the Nufarm agricultural specialist in your area for the spray schedule best suited to your conditions. DO NOT use with other seed treatment products unless previous experience assures compatibility.

Note: Use only as directed. The label must be read thoroughly and understood before making applications.

Compatibility: ST-GIBB 4LS is compatible with most commonly used seed treatments. To assure the compatibility of this product with other products, pour the products into a small container of water in the correct proportions. After thorough mixing, let stand for 5 minutes. If the combination remains mixed, or can be remixed readily, the mixture is compatible.

In California: Only for use in commercial seed treating establishments. Not allowed for "on-farm" use.

On-Farm Seed Treatment: DO NOT apply this product through any type of irrigation system.
DO NOT use treated seed for food or feed purposes or process for oil. Treat only those seeds needed for immediate use, minimizing the interval between treatment and planting. DO NOT store excess treated seeds beyond planting time.
Seed treatment on agricultural establishment at or immediately before planting is within the scope of WPS, while commercial treatment of seeds is not within the scope.
For Commercial Seed Treatment: Seed treated commercially or for sale must be dyed an unnatural color using an EPA approved dye before sale. Federal law requires that bags containing treated seed shall be labeled with the following information:

Tank Mixing: When tank mixing follow the most restrictive label instructions for any tank mix partner. DO NOT tank mix with any product that contains a prohibition against tank mixing. 

Registered for culturesRate
Corn0.5 - 2 lb
Spring barley0.5 - 3 lb
Winter barley0.5 - 3 lb
Winter rye0.5 - 3 lb
Spring rye0.5 - 3 lb
Sorghum0.5 - 3 lb
Winter wheat0.5 - 3 lb
Spring wheat0.5 - 3 lb