Surflan A.S.

United Phosphorus
Registered until
Registration number
Active materials

Directions for Use
It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.
Read all directions for use carefully before applying.

General Information

Surflan A.S. herbicide is a preemergence, surface applied herbicide for the control of many annual grasses and certain broadleaf weeds. Surflan A.S. controls susceptible annual weeds by disrupting plant growth processes during germination. Surflan A.S. may be applied in liquid sprays of water or liquid fertilizer, and may be tank mixed with other herbicides to control existing vegetation or improve the spectrum of weeds controlled. Surflan A.S. alone does not control established weeds.
Crop uses: citrus fruits, fruit and nut trees, berries, vineyards (bearing and non-bearing) Ornamental uses: ornamentals (trees, shrubs, groundcovers/perennials, flowers, nonbearing trees and vines), ornamental bulbs, turf grasses
Other uses: Christmas tree plantations, established trees grown for pulp, noncropland areas and industrial sites.,
Surflan A.S. is orange in color and may cause temporary discoloration of sprayed surfaces. If this discoloration is undesirable, it may be altered by using a commercially available colorant such as Blazon or removed by spraying surface with water or washing with an industrial cleaner immediately after application. Surflan A.S. may also be applied with colorants, such as Mulch Magic or Nu-Mulch.
Surflan A.S. may be applied before or after transplanting of the crop. If applied prior to transplanting: (1) disturbance of surface soil should be minimized to prevent loss of weed control; and (2) exposure of the roots of transplants to treated soil should be minimized to avoid any possibility of crop injury.

General Use Precautions and Restrictions
• Do not graze or feed forage from treated areas to livestock.
• Poor weed control may result if directions are not carefully followed.
• Do not over-apply Surflan A.S. Over-application may result in crop injury.
• Do not plant any root crop for 12 months following a Surflan A.S. application.
• Do not use Surflan A.S. on soils containing more than 5% organic matter.
• Apply Surflan A.S. directly to the soil surface in orchards or vineyards.
• For orchard crops, including citrus, pome fruits, stone fruits, and tree nuts, apply product only as a strip treatment in the tree rows; do not apply to row middles or drive rows.
• Carefully follow label directions to avoid poor weed control or crop injury.
• Chemigation: See instructions for chemigation in "Application Methods".
• Do not aerially apply this product.
Precaution: Avoid spray drift to non-target areas when applying Surflan A.S. Spray drift may result in reduced emergence of non-target plants adjacent to the treated area. Poor weed control may result if directions are not followed. Over-application may result in crop injury and in residues that exceed tolerance regulations, or in excessive soil residue that may be injurious to rotational crops.
Rotation Crop Interval: To avoid crop injury, a 24 month rotational interval is recommended when rotating from tree and vine crops to row crops.

Registered for cultures
Pome fruits
Stone fruit