- Manufacturer
- Loveland Products
- Category
- Insecticides
- Registered until
- Registration expired
- Registration number
- 34704-1045
- Active materials
- bifenthrin0.5 lb/gallon
- imidacloprid0.5 lb/gallon
It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. See individual crops for specific pollinator protection application restrictions. If none exist under the specific crop, for foliar applications, follow these application directions for crops that are contracted to have pollinator services or for food/feed, crops and commercially grown ornamentals that are attractive to pollinators:
Do not apply this product while bees are foraging. Do not apply this product until flowering is complete and all petals have fallenunless the following condition has been met:
If an application must be made when managed bees are at the treatment site, the beekeeper providing the pollination services must be notified no less than 48-hours prior to the time of the planned application so that the bees can be removed, covered or otherwise protected prior to spraying.
Do not apply this product while bees are foraging. Do not apply this product until flowering is complete and all petals have fallen unless one of the following conditions is met:
• The application is made to the target site after sunset
• The application is made to the target site when temperatures are below 55 °F
The application is made in accordance with a government-initiated public health response
• The application is made in accordance with an active state-administered apiary registry program where beekeepers are notified no less than 48-hours prior to the time of the planned application so that the bees can be removed, covered or otherwise protected prior to spraying
• The application is made due to an imminent threat of significant crop loss, and a documented determination consistent with an IPM plan or predetermined economic threshold is met. Every effort should be made to notify beekeepers no less than 48-hours prior to the time of the planned application so that the bees can be removed,covered or otherwise protected prior to spraying. Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation.
Some insects are known to develop resistance to products with the same chemical class used repeatedly for control. Swagger contains Group 3 and Group 4A insecticides. Although pest resistance can not be predicted, a general rule to reduce theonset of resistance in pest species to Swagger is not to consecutively and repeatedly apply Group 3 and/or Group 4A insecticides during a growing season for control of a particular pest target. Consult your local or state agricultural authorities or your Loveland Products, Inc. representative for more specific details on insect resistance management strategies. The Group 4A active ingredient in Swagger is a member of the neonicotinoid chemical group. Avoid using a block of more than three consecutive applications of Swagger and/or other Group 4A products having the same or similar mode of action. Following a neonicotinoid block of treatments, Loveland Products, Inc. strongly encourages the rotation to a block of applications with effective products of different mode before using additional applications of neonicotinoid products. Using a block rotation or windowed approach, along with IPM practices, is considered an effective use strategy for preventing or delaying an insect’s ability to develop resistance to this class of chemistry.
Foliar applications of Swagger or other Group 4A products from the neonicotinoid chemical class must not be used on crops previously treated with a long-residual, soil-applied product from the neonicotinoid chemical class.
If resistance to this product develops in your area, this product, or other products with a similar mode of action, may not provide adequate control. If poor performance cannot be attributed to improper application or extreme weather conditions, a resis- tant strain of insect(s) may be present. If you experience difficulty with control and resistance is a reasonable cause, immediately consult your local Loveland Products, Inc. company representative or agricultural advisor for the best alternative method of control for your area.
Application Instructions:
Rate of application is variable according to pest pressure, timing of sprays, and field scouting. Use lower rates under light to moderate infestations; higher listed rates under heavy insect pressures. Arid climates generally require higher rates.
Use adequate spray volumes, properly calibrated application equipment and Vader spray adjuvant to obtain thorough coverage. To optimize deposition, penetration, and translocation, use 0.25% v/v of Vader. Other adjuvants must be used at 0.25 to 0.50% v/v.
Cultivation within 10 feet of a water body is prohibited to allow for the growth of a vegetated filter strip. In New York State, this product may not be applied within 100 feet (using ground equipment) or 300 feet (using aerial equipment) of coastal marshes or streams that drain into coastal marshes.
Registered for cultures | Rate |
Artichokes | 12.8 - 25.6 fl oz |
Broccoli | 8.48 - 12.2 fl oz |
Brussels sprouts | 8.48 - 12.2 fl oz |
Cabbages | 8.48 - 12.2 fl oz |
Cauliflower | 8.48 - 12.2 fl oz |
Kohlrabi | 8.48 - 12.2 fl oz |
Cilantro | 8.48 - 11 fl oz |
Coriander | 8.48 - 11 fl oz |
Citrus | 32 - 64 fl oz |