Systemic Ferti-Lome Rose, FLowe, Turf & Ornamental Fungicide

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Active materials

IT IS A VIOLATION OF FEDERAL LAW TO USE THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER INCONSISTENT WITH ITS LABELING. Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation.

3336 WP is a broad spectrum fungicide exhibiting preventative, curative and systemic properties. It is useful on a wide variety of turf and ornamental disease problems. Apply 3336 WP with ground or overhead equipment, using sufficient volume of spray to provide thorough coverage. Do not apply with fixed wing or rotary aircraft. Use the higher rates under conditions of severe disease pressure. Also, see local State Extension Service recommendations for application schedules. This product is not for homeowner use and can only be used by individuals/firms licensed or registered by the state to apply ornamental or turf pest control, products. Chemigation instructions follow "Directions For .
Use". Read and follow these instructions carefully for this method of application.
Resistance Management: To avoid the development of tolerant strains of fungi, 3336 WP should be used with fungicides of different modes of action. Cleary Chemical does not recommend the use of products containing thiabendazole in combination or rotation with 3336 WP. These utilize" similar chemistry and mode of action and can contribute to development of disease tolerance. If, after using 3336 WP as recommended, the treatment is not effective, a tolerant strain of fungi may be present. Consult your local Cleary Chemical representative, your State Agricultural Experiment Station, or your State Cooperative
Extension Service for proper disease identification and advice on the prompt use of some other suitable-fungicide or disease control strategy. As long as recommended precautions are followed, 3336 WP can remain useful for disease control.

Mixing Instructions: 3336 WP consists of a protective outer resealable package containing water soluble bags. Do not allow the bags to become wet prior to adding to the tank Do not handle water soluble bags with wet hands or wet gloves. Depending on the degree of agitation and water temperature, the water soluble bag should be completely dissolved within five minutes. Avoid adding bags near recirculation outlets as they mightblock outlets before completely dissolving. High pH environments cause a shortened tank life for suspended product. The buffering of tank water to pH 6-7 prior to the addition of 3336 WP is recommended. Add required amount of 3336 WP to a partially filled tank (1/2 total volume) and agitate by mechanical or hydraulic means while adding the remaining required amount of water. Once the water soluble bags have completely dissolved, add tank mix product if used (see below). Continuous agitation is recommended to keep the material in proper suspension. For best results, use spray mixture the same day it is prepared.
Tank Mixing Instructions: 3336 WP is compatible with most commonly used pesticides. If tank mixing with other materials, add products in the following order: water soluble bags, wettable powders, dry flowables, liquid flowables, emulsifiable concentrates, and soluble materials such as fertilizers. No claim of compatibility with other products is implied. Do not tank mix with copper-containing materials or with highly alkaline pesticides, such as
Bordeaux mixture or lime sulfur. Consult the intended tank mix partner product label for appropriate application rates and use instructions. Follow the label directions for the most restrictive of label precautions and limitations. This product cannot be mixed with any product containing a label prohibition against such mixing.
Read and observe the most restrictive precautionary statements and other information appearing on product labels used in mixtures. 3336 WP may be applied in conjunction with chemically neutral liquid fertilizers. Application in conjunction with highly alkaline fertilizers, such as aqueous ammonia, may caus a degradation of the pesticide, resulting inreduced performance and should be avoided. Tank mix products containing boron or releasable free chlorine will affect the solubility of water soluble (PVA) film. Thoroughly rinse the spray, tank of any boron containing spray solution prior to adding any water soiuble bags. Even minimal carryover concentrations of boron in the spray tank may cause the water soluble bag material dissolved in water to precipitate and form insoluble residue inside the spray tank.

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