T-Methyl 4.5L

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Methyl 4.5L may be applied by ground or aerial application equipment and with a standard slurry or misttype seed treatment equipment. Refer to the section on “Seed Treatment” for application instructions.
Normal fungicide usage indicates this product will be applied over the top of the intended crop; it is critical to ensure that the tank and spray equipment has been cleaned of all other pesticides prior to mixing this product. As with all agricultural chemicals, continuous agitation is required to keep the ingredients in suspension. Recommended application gallonage and directions are given for each crop. T-METHYL 4.5L may be tank mixed with other fungicides, insecticides and plant growth regulators that have been approved for use by the EPA on the intended crop. Albaugh, LLC does not make any claims of compatibility with other pesticides; always perform a Mixing Jar Test prior to tank mixing. See
Compatibility Test section on this label. Tank mixes of this product with highly alkaline pesticides like Bordeaux or lime sulfur is not recommended.
Most effective disease control is obtained by preventative spray timing as climatic conditions indicate fungal infection or growth is imminent. Always use the higher rates under conditions of severe disease pressure.
Use on non-bearing apples, pecans, cherries, and peaches: T-METHYL 4.5L may be used for control of the leaf diseases listed on the label for these crops during the non-bearing years of new plantings, and on nursery stock. All use directions and limitations must be followed, except for the PHI, which is not applicable. Begin applications as disease is first observed. Tank mixing with a protectant fungicide is strongly recommended for resistance management.

High volume dilute applications:
Applicator should use the PRODUCT per ACRE rate for concentrate spray applications for tree crops (example: no more than 400 gallons on apples). When making dilute ground applications, use the PRODUCT per 100 GALLONS rate. Follow all crop specific language on this label for application. Dilute sprays must not exceed maximum a.i. per year.

Aerial applications to tree crops:
Use a minimum of 10 gal/acre for aerial application to fruit tree crops. Increased fungicidal activity is related to coverage and timing, increased volumes are required as crop canopy density increases. NOTE:
Conifer applications require higher spray volumes, use lower volumes with mist type applicators and highest volumes with conventional types.

Row Crop applications:
Use a minimum of 5 gal/acre for ground application, however most ground applications should be made with 10 to 20 gal/acre as cropping situations dictate. Increased fungicidal activity is related to coverage and timing, increased volumes are required as crop canopy density increases.

Plantback Restriction:
Do not plant any crop not labeled for T-METHYL 4.5L use within 30 days of the last application.

See specific directions in this label.

Mode of Action:
T-METHYL 4.5L is a tubulin inhibitor fungicide falling into the FRAC Group 1 for Benzimidazoles. Its Mode of Action is the inhibition of microtubule assembly. It has protectant, systemic and curative actions, each of these specific to certain crops, fungi and climatic conditions.

Fungicide Resistance:
Fungal pathogens have proven to develop a resistance to certain fungicide families and modes of action. These are called tolerant and resistant strains of fungi. Industry and university research have developed effective programs that continue to provide excellent control of these strains, however, precautions and specific steps should be taken to ensure effective fungicide rotation, tank mixing of different modes of action and disease monitoring are the keys of your fungicide program.
It is recommended that T-METHYL 4.5L be rotated or tank mixed with different modes of action fungicide chemistry. All products containing thiabendazole, thiophanate ethyl or carbendazim fungicides (benzimidazole fungicides) should NOT be considered rotation or tank mix partners.
Should T-METHYL 4.5L be applied as directed and the treatment is considered not to be effective, you may have encountered a resistant or tolerant fungi strain. Do not apply this mode of action chemistry again during this growing season, as this may enhance the resistance at this site. Consult with your local
Cooperative Extension Service, University Research or Certified Crop Consultant for more information concerning fungicides effective on the tolerant or resistant strains encountered.