Telone EC

Dow AgroSciences
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General Information
Telone EC soil fumigant is a liquid fumigant for preplant treatment of cropland soil that can be used as part of a management program involving rotation, resistant varieties, and other cultural practices designed to alleviate nematode and disease pressure. Telone EC may be applied as a preplant soil treatment to control the following types of plant parasitic nematodes: burrowing, citrus, cyst (golden, sugarbeet, soybean, carrot and wheat), dagger, lance, pin, needle, reniform, ring, root knot, root lesion, spiral, sting and stubby root.
Telone EC can also be used to suppress Fusarium wilt of cotton. Telone EC may be applied through buried drip (drip lines buried at least 6 inches below soil surface) irrigation equipment without a secured tarp seal or surface and/or buried drip irrigation equipment with a secured tarp seal. In the state of California, the use of a tarp seal is mandatory for all applications of this product.
Before fumigation, soil sampling for the type and number of pests present is recommended. In fields where pre-treatment soil samples indicate the presence of high population levels of nematodes, a successful fumigation cannot be expected to eradicate entire populations. Therefore, posttreatment sampling is recommended to determine the need for additional pest management practices. Consult State Agricultural Experiment Station or Extension Service specialists for information on other practices such as post-harvest destruction of crop residues, weed control or other cultural practices, and use of nematode resistant crop varieties that may aid in reducing crop losses from soil borne pests.

Registered for culturesRate
Nuts9 - 24 gal
Hazelnuts9 - 24 gal
Walnut9 - 24 gal
Peanuts9 - 24 gal