Terminate Cotton Harvest Aid

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Active materials

It is a-violation of Federal Law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.
Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation.

Use this product on cotton to accelerate opening of mature cotton bolls, promote defoliation of both mature and juvenile foliage, and reduce terminal regrowth. This product promotes earlier harvest and enhances the potential for high quality, high yield, once-over harvest. Rainfall, stress, temperature fluctuations, residual nitrogen, and yield potential can affect defoliation and/or regrowth.

Prepare only the amount of spray solution required for immediate use. Do not allow the spray mixture to stand overnight or for prolonged periods. Storage and use of previous day's spray mixture may result in equipment corrosion and reduced activity.
Take precautions to avoid accidental spillage of the product on spray equipment or any airplane parts. THIS PRODUCT IS CORROSIVE. RINSE ANY SPILLS IMMEDIATELY WITH PLENTY OF WATER. Use of a nurse tank is highly recommended for avoiding possible spills of concentrated formulation on spray equipment.

This product may be applied as a tank mix with other harvest aid and pesticide formulations. Certain conditions such as rank growth, weed or insect infestations, drought, unutilized nitrogen, low temperature, high moisture, and heavy juvenile growth may require tank mixing or sequential applications with other products to obtain satisfactory defoliation and terminal regrowth suppression. Tank mix with other products registered for use on cotton such as [DEF 6], [Folex 6 EC], [FreeFall SC Cotton Defoliant], [Nufarm TDZ + Diuron SC Cotton Defoliant], [Roundup], [Methyl Parathion 4 EC or 4 Ib], and [Malathion 57 EC], When using this product in a tank mix, observe the most restrictive of trie label limitations and precautions of the tank mix partners.
Maintain constant agitation throughout mixing and spraying operations. Do not allow tank mixtures to stand without agitation for more than 5 to 10 minutes.
In some cases, slight reduction in boll opening response has been observed when tank mixes with phosphate defoliants were used.
Apply tank mixtures of this product with FreeFall.SC on picker cotton and Nufarm TDZ + Diuron SC on stripper cotton to enhance regrowth suppression and removal of juvenile foliage.
Under certain conditions such as high temperatures or low soil moisture, tank mixtures with products such as [Folex 6 EC], [DEF 6], [FreeFall SC], [Nufarm TDZ + Diuron SC], and [METHYL PARATHION] may result in leaf stick or leaf burn due to increased desiccation activity. To minimize leaf stick and leaf burn occurrence under these conditions, it is important to follow local recommendations and use the. lower labeled rate of the tank mix partner product(s).
Do not tank mix this product with a desiccant if the cotton is to be spindle harvested.

Registered for cultures