Tetraconazole 210 ME
- Manufacturer
- Isagro
- Category
- Fungicides
- Registered until
- N/A
- Registration number
- 80289-20
- Active materials
- tetraconazole0 lb/gallon
- Links
- LabelView
TETRACONAZOLE 210 ME fungicide is formulated as a 1.75 pound active ingredient per gallon micro emulsion (ME). The active ingredient in TETRACONAZOLE 210 ME is tetraconazole, a triazole fungicide that works by inhibiting demethylation and other processes in sterol biosynthesis. Tetraconazole is absorbed quickly into the plant tissue and like all triazoles can move up, but not down the plant. Optimal disease control is achieved when TETRACONAZOLE 210 ME is applied in a regularly scheduled spray program. Preventive applications may optimize disease control, resulting in improved plant health and beneficial physiological effects. When using TETRACONAZOLE 210 ME in combination and/or rotation with other fungicides, it is important to use fungicides that have different modes of action (i.e. non Group 3 fungicides). Since TETRACONAZOLE 210 ME is a sterol biosynthesis inhibiting fungicide, do not rotate with other sterol biosynthesis inhibitors, such as Folicur, Tilt, or Laredo.
The active ingredient in TETRACONAZOLE 210 ME is tetraconazole, which belongs to the sterol biosynthesis inhibitor group of fungicides as classified by the Fungicide Resistance Action Committee (FRAC) as Target Site of Action Group 3 fungicides.
TETRACONAZOLE 210 ME contains tetraconazole, a proup 3 fungicide (sterol .biosynthesis inhibitors), and is effective against: labeled pathogens resistant to fungicides with modes of action different frpm those of target site Group 3, such as dicarboximides, strobilurins, benzimidazoles, or phenylamides. However, .fungal isolates resistant to Group 3 fungicides may eventually dominate the fungal population if Group 3 fungicides are used predominantly and repeatedly in the same field in successive years as the primary method of control for the targeted pathogen species, especially if .resistance to Group 3 fungicides is already present in the pathogen population. .This may result in reduced disease control by Group 3 fungicides., To maintain the performance of
TETRACONAZOLE 210 ME in the field, do not .exceed fthe total number of sequential applications of TETRACONAZOLE 210 ME and .the total number of applications of fETRACONAZQLE^lO ME per year stated in "CROP USE RATES AND TIMING OF APPLICATIONS". Adhere ta the Jabel instructions regarding the consecutive use of TETRACONAZOLE. 210 ME or other target site of action Group 3 fungicides that have a similar site of action on the same pathogens. Consider the following to delay the development of fungicide resistance:
1. Tank mixtures: If TETRACONAZOLE 210 ME is used in tank mixtures with fungicides from different mode of action Groups that are registered for the same use and that are effective against the pathogens of concern, use at least the minimum labeled rates of .each fungicide in the tank mix.
2. IPM: Integrate TETRACONAZOLE 210 ME into an overall disease and pest management program. Follow cultural practices known to reduce disease development. Consult your Jpcal,extension specialist, certified crop advisor and/or or Isagro representative for additional IPM strategies established for your area. Use TETRACONAZOLE 210 ME in Agricultural Extension advisory (disease forecasting) programs, which recommend application timing based on environmental factors favorable for disease development. .
3. Monitoring: Monitor efficacy of all fungicides used in the disease management program against the targeted pathogen and record other factors that may influence fungicide performance and/or disease development.
4. Reporting: If,a Group 3 target site fungicide appears to be less: or no longer effective against a pathogen that it previously controlled or suppressed, contact your Isagro representative,, local extension specialist, or certified crop advisor to assist in determining the cause of reduced performance.
Registered for cultures |
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