Treevix Powered By Kixor

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For postemergence-directed broadleaf weed control in olive trees

Directions For Use
• It is a violation of federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.
• The supplemental labeling and the entire Treevix herbicide container label, EPA Reg. No. 7969-276, must be in possession of the user at the time of application.
• Read the label affixed to the container for Treevix before applying.
• Use of Treevix according to this labeling is subject to the use precautions and limitations imposed by the label affixed to the container for Treevix.

Use Information
Treevix provides contact burndown broadleaf weed control (refer to Table 1 on the main product container label for weeds controlled) in bearing and nonbearing olive production. Treevix does not control grass weeds and must be used sequentially or tank mixed with a grass herbicide for a complete weed control program in olive trees.

Application Method, Rates, and Timings
Apply Treevix at 0.5 to 1.0 oz/A plus the recommended adjuvants (refer to Additives section on main product container label for details) as a postemergencedirected spray as a uniform broadcast application, banded application, or spot application directed at the base of the tree trunks while targeting emerged broadleaf weeds. Spray contact of tree foliage, flowers, buds, or fruit directly by improper nozzle orientation or indirectly by physical drift will result in crop injury. The use of shielded sprayers is highly recommended when applying in olive trees with low-hanging branches and fruit.
Application can be made to newly planted or replacement olive trees, but olive trees must be established for at least 9 months before application. Trunk shields should be used until adequate bark has formed to protect trees from potential herbicide injury (typically by 2 to 3 years after establishment). Treevix may be applied in a single application or sequentially up to 3 times per year. Sequential applications must be separated by at least 21 days.
Additional Dormant Period Application in Olive Trees. Treevix may be applied sequentially up to 4 times per year only if one or two of the applications occur during the period of postharvest to the beginning of bloom. Apply Treevix at 1.0 oz/A per application during the period of postharvest until trees begin to bloom. Treevix applications may only resume after olive trees have begun the fruiting stage. A maximum of three Treevix applications are permitted while trees are in the fruiting stage until crop harvest. Sequential applications must be separated by at least 21 days regardless of the time of year. DO NOT apply Treevix herbicide more than 4 times per cropping season (i.e. if two applications are made in the postharvest period, then a maximum of only two applications can be made during fruiting stage until crop harvest). 

Crop-specific Restrictions and Limitations
• DO NOT apply more than 1.0 oz/A of Treevix in olive trees in a single application.
• DO NOT apply more than a maximum cumulative amount of 3.0 ozs/A of Treevix per cropping season or more than a maximum cumulative amount of 4.0 ozs/A per cropping season when using the

Additional Dormant Period Application.
DO NOT apply more than a maximum cumulative amount of 4.0 ozs/A of Treevix on an annual basis.
• Treevix may be applied any time up to or on the day of olive harvest.
• DO NOT use in tree nurseries.

Tank Mixes
Broad-spectrum postemergence control of additional annual and perennial weeds will usually require a tank mix with a herbicide such as glyphosate. Treevix may
be tank mixed or applied sequentially with one or more of, but not limited to, the following herbicide products for additional burndown or residual weed control:
• Poast herbicide
• Prowl H2O herbicide
• glyphosate (e.g. Roundup herbicide)

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