Trifluralin 10G

Loveland Products
Registered until
Registration number
Active materials

It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.
Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or though drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your state or tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation.

Applied according to directions and under normal growing conditions, Trifluralin 10G will not harm the treated crop. Over-applications may result in crop injury or rotational crop damage from soil residue. Uneven application or improper incorporation can result in erratic weed control or crop injury. Seedling disease, cold weather, deep planting, excessive moisture, high salt concentration or drought may weaken crop seedlings and increase the possibility of damage. Under these conditions, delayed crop development or reduced yields may result. Avoid applying Trifluralin 10G to soils that are wet or are subject to prolonged periods of flooding as poor weed control may result. Do not use this product on any crop grown in Pecos county or Reeves county, Texas or Montana.
In Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming: To avoid crop injury, do not plant sugarbeets, redbeets, spinach, proso millet, corn, sorghum (milo), oats, and annual or perennial grass crops or grass mixtures for 12 months after a spring application or 14 months after a fall application of Trifluralin 10G. If land has not been irrigated, these crops should not be planted for 18 months after a spring application or 20 months after a fall application. The possibility of injury to these crops can be reduced with moldboard plowing to a depth of 12 inches before planting.
All Other Areas: Sugarbeets, redbeets, and spinach should not be planted for 12 months after a spring application or 14 months after a fall application. Moldboard plow to a depth of 12 inches before planing sugarbeets to reduce the possibility of crop injury

In Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota: Proso millet, sorghum (milo), oats and annual or perennials grass crops or grass mixtures should not be planted for 18 months after a spring application or 21 months after a fall application of Trifluralin 10G.
In Portions of Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Texas receiving less than 20 inches of rainfall and irrigation: Do not plant proso millet, sorghum (milo), oats and annual or perennial grass crops or grass mixtures for 18 months after an application of Trifluralin 10G. The possibility of crop injury may increase in sorghum with cool wet weather conditions during early growth stages. Crops should not be planted for 12 months after a spring application or 14 months after a fall application of Trifluralin 10G in areas receiving more than 20 inches of rainfall or irrigation.

Vegetable crops other than those listed on this label for use with preplant soil incorporated application of Trifluralin 10G should not be planted within 5 months after an application of Trifluralin 10G.

Apply Trifluralin 10G with ground or aerial broadcast applicator properly calibrated
to apply the granules uniformly. Apply at the recommended rate for soil texture to
be treated. Follow calibration directions provided by the equipment manufacture.
Avoid concentration of material in narrow bands.
Freezing will not adversely affect this product. If product is frozen at time of application, agitate or thaw to restore free- flowing granules.

Soil Preparation
Trifluralin 10G may be applied to standing stubble or soil that has been pretilled.
The soil surface should be smooth enough to allow for uniform application and efficient incorporation. Existing weeds and crop residues should be reduced to a manageable level using tillage so that this product can be uniformly incorporated into the top 2 or 3 inches of the final seed bed. Soil surface conditions and soil moisture should be sufficient to allow breakup of large clods and uniform mixing of Trifluralin 10G into the top 2 or 3 inches of soil. If this is not possible the soil should be tilled prior to application. Soil compaction and/or nonuniform incorporation may occur where soil is excessively moist.

Soil Texture
Trifluralin 10G rate recommendations for incorporated treatments are based on soil texture and organic matter content. A fine texture soil will require a higher application rate than a coarse textured soil. Choose the proper rate for each application based on the soil texture. Refer to the table below to determine your soil texture.

Registered for cultures
Dry lima beans
Snap beans