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Directions for Use
It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Read all Directions for Use carefully before applying.
Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your state or tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation.


In Arizona: The state of Arizona has not approved TRYCERA for use on plants grown for commercial production, specifically forests grown for commercial timber production, or on designated grazing areas.
Chemigation: Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation system.
Do not apply TRYCERA directly to, or allow direct contact with grapes, tobacco, vegetable crops, flowers, or other desirable broadleaf plants. Do not permit spray mists containing TRYCERA to drift onto such plants.
Do not apply on ditches or canals currently being used to transport irrigation water or that will be used for irrigation within 120 days following treatment. It is permissible to treat irrigation and non-irrigation ditch banks.
Do not use treated water for irrigation purposes for 120 days after application or until residue levels of TRYCERA are determined by laboratory analysis, or other appropriate means of analysis to be 1 ppb or less. Seasonal Irrigation Waters: TRYCERA may be applied during the off-season to surface waters that are used for irrigation on a seasonable basis provided that there is a minimum of 120 days between applying TRYCERA and the first use of treated water for irrigation purposes, or until residue levels of TRYCERA are determined by laboratory analysis, or other appropriate means of analysis, to be 1 ppb or less.
Irrigation Canals/Ditches: Do not apply TRYCERA to irrigation canals/ditches unless the 120-day restriction on irrigation water usage can be observed or residue levels of TRYCERA are determined by laboratory analysis, or other appropriate means of analysis, to be 1 ppb or less.
Do not apply to salt water bays or estuaries.
Do not apply to bodies of water with a continuous outflow.
Do not apply directly to un-impounded rivers or streams.
Do not apply where runoff water may flow onto agricultural land as injury to crops may result. When making applications to control unwanted plants on banks or shorelines of moving water sites, minimize overspray to open water.
Do not apply using a mistblower.
On rights-of-way, fence rows, or any area where grazing and haying is allowed, do not apply more than a total of 2 lb ae of triclopyr (2.8 quarts of TRYCERA) per acre per year.
On forestry sites, do not apply more than a total of 6 lb ae of triclopyr (8.4 quarts of TRYCERA) per acre per year.
For all other terrestrial use sites other than grazing/haying areas and forestry sites, do not apply more than a total of 9 lb ae of triclopyr (12.6 quarts of TRYCERA) per acre per year.
For emerged aquatic weeds, do not exceed a total of 6 lb ae of triclopyr (8.4 quarts of TRYCERA) per acre per annual growing season.

Use Restrictions for Grazing and Haying
Grazing green forage:
There are no grazing restrictions for livestock or dairy animals on treated areas.
Haying (harvesting of dried forage):
Do not harvest hay for 14 days after application.
Grazed areas of non-cropland and forestry sites may be spot treated if they comprise no more than 10% of the total grazable area.
Slaughter Restrictions: During the season of application, withdraw livestock from grazing treated grass at least 3 days before slaughter.

Avoiding Injurious Spray Drift
Make applications only when there is little or no hazard from spray drift. Small quantities of spray, which may not be visible, may seriously injure susceptible plants. Do not spray when wind is blowing toward susceptible crops or ornamental plants that are near enough to be injured. It is suggested that a continuous smoke column at or near the spray site or a smoke generator on the spray equipment be used to detect air movement, lapse conditions, or temperature inversions (stable air). If the smoke layers or indicates a potential of hazardous spray drift, do not spray.