Typrus Plant Growth Regulator Solution

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It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling, not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the state or tribal agency responsible for pesticide

Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation system.
Fruit Russet Suppression in Apples
This product is a plant growth regulator containing gibberellins A4A7 which can reduce the development of physiological fruit russeting in apples when applied in a postbloom spray program. Used in years when russet conditions are present, this product may boost overall fresh market grades of the crop.

Physiological russeting is generally associated with the presence of water on the fruit surface during the first 30 to 40 days of fruit development. Russet severity at a given location is therefore specifically influenced by the weather conditions during and following the bloom period. The key conditions influencing russet include precipitation, humidity, and temperature.
This product may act only on that russet caused by climatic factors active early in fruit development and will not reduce damage associated with mechanical forces such as limb or pedicel rub, insect damage, or russet produced by certain pesticides.

Application Rate
Apply 26 to 40 fluid ounces per acre for a total seasonal rate.
Timing of Application
Apply this product as two to four consecutive sprays beginning at petal fall, and continuing at 7 to 10 day intervals. This spray timing corresponds to the most sensitive russet development period shown to occur in apples.

Method of Application
Apply 10 fluid ounces* (15 ppm) to 13 fluid ounces (20 ppm) of this product in 100 gallons of water per acre, per application for 2 to 4 total applications. Number and rate of applications must be based on both tree size and local weather conditions. In general, as tree size and overall rainfall increase, increase the number of applications. This increase is necessary to maintain adequate coverage of the developing fruit surface during the most sensitive russet period.
NOTE: Do not apply more than 40 fluid ounces of this product per season.
*Best russet control can be expected with four 10 fluid ounce (15 ppm) per acre applications of this product.

Application Considerations
1. Do not use with spray surfactants, spreader stickers, etc. since these materials have been shown to induce russet.
2. Do not use in excessive spray volume, (i.e. greater than 100 gal/acre) since excess moisture has been shown to induce russet.
3. Use a properly calibrated and adjusted sprayer that insures uniform and complete coverage of all foliage and fruitlets.
4. Approximately 85% of the spray volume must be directed into the upper two-thirds of the trees.
5. To minimize excessive spray drift, apply when air is calm.
6. Rainfall within six hours after spraying can reduce efficacy of this product.
7. This product can be applied in combination with other materials; refer to respective labels for directions and precautionary statements.

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