- Manufacturer
- Category
- Fungicides
- Registered until
- N/A
- Registration number
- 100-1187
- Active materials
- azoxystrobin2.68 lb/gallon
- mefenoxam1.04 lb/gallon
Uniform is a broad-spectrum preventative fungicide with systemic properties for control of many soilborne plant diseases. All applications must be made according to the use directions that follow.
Uniform can provide control of many soilborne diseases when applied as an in-furrow application at planting. In-furrow applications will provide control of pre- or post-emergence damping off and diseases that infect plants at the soil-plant interface.
Important: Always read and follow label instructions when buying or using this product.
Registered for cultures |
Collard greens |
Kale |
Mustard greens |
Broccoli |
Chinese cabbage |
Mizuna |
Mustard spinach |
Garlic |
Onions |
Shallots |
Leeks |
Cotton |
Cantaloupe |
Cucumbers |
Pumpkins |
Squash |
Watermelon |
Chayote |
Waxgourds |
Citron melons |
Gherkins |
Gourds |
Balsam apple |
Santa Claus melon |
Snake melon |
Celery |
Endive |
Parsley |
Rhubarbs |
Spinach |
Amaranth |
Arugula |
Cardoon |
Celtuce |
Chervil |
Corn salad |
Cress |
Sorrels |
Finocchio, florence fennel |
Orach, atriplex |
Purslanes |
Radicchio |
Spinach |
New zealand spinach |
Beans |
Dry broad beans |
Chickpeas |
Lentils |
Peas |
Pigeon peas |
Soybeans |
Lupines |
Kidney beans |
Dry lima beans |
Navy beans |
Pinto beans |
Runner beans |
Snap beans |
Tepary beans |
Wax beans |
Adzuki beans |
Blackeyed peas |
Catjang peas |
Chinese long beans |
Cowpea |
Crowder peas |
Moth beans |
Mung beans |
Rice beans |
Southern peas |
Lablab beans |
Peanuts |
Sugar beets |
Radishes |
Sweet potatoes |
Turnips |
True yam |
Arracacha |
Arrowroots |
Artichokes |
Chinese artichoke |
Edible burdock |
Cassava |
Celeriac |
Chayote |
Chervil |
Chicory |
Chufas |
Taro, dasheen |
Ginger |
Horseradish |
Leren |
Parsley |
Parsnip |
Radishes |
Rutabagas |
Salsify |
Skirrets |
Turmeric |
Bean yam |