Vydate L

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VyDaTE l is a water- soluble liquid that can be used to control many important insects, mites, and nematodes. VyDaTE l is diluted with water for application. use VyDaTE l for nematode supression where nematode populations are low to moderate. make applications via foliar spray, drip irrigation, shank or other soil injection system, soil surface band followed immediately by overhead irrigation, or via sprinkler chemigation. For best results on neamtodes use a registered soil fumigant or contact nematicide prior to or at planting for most crops. VyDaTE l application timing and treatment schedules depend on the crop and life cycle of the nematode. See the specific crop directions for use of this label for more information. use only in commercial and farm plantings. Not for use in home plantings. Not for use during any period after a commercial crop site is opened for public entry as a “u-pick”, “pick your Own” or similar operation; in no case shall preharvest applications be made after first public entry. The restricted entry interval stated elsewhere on this label must be followed.
Do not formulate this product into other End-use products.
Do not use in Suffolk and Nassau Counties, long Island, New york.
In the Directions for use section of this label for NON-BEarINg FruIT, CarrOTS, CElEry, CuCumBEr, CaNTalOupE, HONEyDEW mElON, WaTErmElON, SQuaSH, pumpKIN, EggplaNT, pEppErS, aND TOmaTOES, the rio grande Valley is defined to include the following counties: Brewster, Crane, Crockett, Culberson, El paso, Hudspeth, Jeff Davis, Kinney, loving, maverick, pecos, presidio, reeves, Starr, Sutton, Terrell, upton, Val Verde, Ward, Webb, Winkler, and Zapata.
Seed piece treatments of tuberous crops are prohibited. all applications to the soil must be incorporated immediately after application to a depth of at least 2 inches by mechanical means or by water. place VyDaTE l in the root zone of the plant for best results. If irrigation is used to water in the application, use sufficient water to move the applied VyDaTE l at least 2 inches deep into the soil. However, do not apply irrigation water such that the water moves off the field.

apply at the labeled rates when insect populations reach locally determined thresholds. Consult the cooperative extension service, professional consultant or other qualified authorities to determine appropriate threshold levels for treatment in your area. refer to crop specific directions for use in the crop tables for information on treatment intervals. use sufficient water to obtain thorough, uniform coverage. For aerial applications use a minimum of 2 gallons per acre of water for vegetables and row crops and 10 gallons per acre of water for fruit crops, except where otherwise noted in the crop specific directions for use. For ground foliar applications use a minimum of 5 gallons per acre of water and 10 gallons per acre of water for fruit crops, except as otherwise noted in the crop specific directions for use.

Registered for cultures