Creeping woodsorrel

Oxalis corniculata

Creeping woodsorrel, scientifically known as Oxalis corniculata, is a low-growing, herbaceous plant that belongs to the Oxalidaceae family. It is native to Europe but is now widely distributed across many parts of the world. Creeping woodsorrel is known for its distinctive trifoliate (clover-like) leaves and small, yellow, or yellow-sorrel flowers. Here is a description of creeping woodsorrel:


  • Creeping woodsorrel is a prostrate or creeping plant, often forming dense mats. It rarely grows taller than a few inches.
  • The leaves are trifoliate, meaning they have three leaflets that resemble clover leaves. These leaflets are heart-shaped, often with a distinctive fold along the midrib, and can range from green to purple in color.
  • The flowers are small, bright yellow or yellowish-sorrel in color, with five petals. They typically have a solitary or clustered appearance and can be seen throughout the growing season.


  • Creeping woodsorrel is commonly found in a variety of habitats, including lawns, gardens, fields, and disturbed areas.
  • It tends to prefer open, sunny locations but can tolerate some shade.


  • This plant is a perennial, but it can also reproduce from seeds, and its stems can root at nodes to spread vegetatively.
  • It has a prolific growth habit and can quickly colonize areas with its creeping stems.

Ecological Role:

  • Creeping woodsorrel can serve as a ground cover in gardens and landscapes and can help stabilize soils.

Cultural Uses:

  • In some regions, the leaves of creeping woodsorrel are edible and have a sour or tangy flavor due to the presence of oxalic acid. They are used in salads and occasionally as a culinary herb.

It's worth noting that while creeping woodsorrel is generally considered a weed in cultivated areas, it has certain cultural and culinary uses in some regions and can be attractive as a ground cover in landscaping. However, it can be invasive and should be managed if it becomes a nuisance in gardens or lawns.

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