Greenleaf desmodium
Desmodium intortum
Greenleaf desmodium is a large trailing and scrambling perennial. It has a strong taproot and the long trailing stems can root at the nodes if in contact with moist soil. These stems are grooved, hairy and reddish-brown in colour and branch freely; it is finer and less hairy than ‘Silverleaf’ (D. uncinatum ). The trifoliate leaflets, to 7 cm x 5 cm, have reddish-brown flecking on the upper surface. Although pointed, they are more round than those of D. uncinatum . The deep pink flowers are produced on a compact terminal raceme ; they develop to narrow segmented pods to 5 cm long, holding 8–12 seeds. The segments break up when mature and, being covered with short hooked hairs, will stick to hair or clothing.