Madrid brome
Bromus madritensis
Short-lived tufted annual to 0.6 m high; culms slender, glabrous, erect or geniculate.
Leaves with sheath villous to puberulent or glabrescent; ligule laciniate, 1–2.5 mm long; blade 2–5 mm wide, puberulent to pubescent, scabrous.
Panicle dense, brush-like, erect or lax, 4–14 cm long. Spikelets becoming wedge-shaped and open, erect, 7–15-flowered, 30–60 mm long including awns. Glumes acute to acuminate, lower narrow-lanceolate, 1-nerved, 6–15 mm long; upper lanceolate, 3-nerved, 9–24 mm long. Lemmas keeled, inrolled at maturity, 12–22 mm long with apical teeth to 2.5 mm long; awn slender, subapical, 14–30 mm long. Palea 60–75% the length of the lemma.