Parramatta grass
Sporobolus africanus
Erect tufted perennials to c. 80 cm tall. Ligule to 0.3 mm long, a fringe of hairs; blade to 2 mm wide.
Inflorescence to 32 cm long, of irregular spicate appressed main branches; branches solitary to whorled, bearing spikelets along their whole length, as long or longer than the adjaceant internode; pedicels 0.7–0.9 mm long. Spikelets 1.5–1.8 mm long. Glumes membranous; lower 0.6–0.7 mm long, obtuse (frequently torn), nerveless; upper glume 0.9–1.1 mm long, at least 50% spikelet length, obtuse, 1-nerved. Lemma 0.9–1.1 mm long, narrowly truncate, 1-nerved; palea 0.8–1 mm long, subequal to the lemma, 2-nerved, obtuse.