Leaf spot of pea

Phoma pinodella

Black stem lesions and leaf spots are symptoms of P. pinodella on pea and clover. Lesions seldom extend below ground level.

List of symptoms/signs
Leaves  -  necrotic areas
Stems  -  mould growth on lesion

Phoma medicaginis var. pinodella, together with Mycosphaerella pinodes and Ascochyta pisi, is part of a complex of seedborne fungi associated with Ascochyta spp. infection of peas. Ascochyta leaf diseases are widespread throughout the world, particularly in temperate regions in North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand.

P. pinodella causes both yield and quality to be reduced. There is also an increase in the content of oestrogens potentially poisonous to livestock. On clover and other forage legumes this fungus is of relatively minor importance but its ability to persist in soil can contribute to long-term problems.

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