Amistar 250 SC

Registered until
Registration number
Active materials

For the control of various diseases of Almonds, Avocados, Beans, Brassicas, Citrus, Cucurbits, Grapes, Lettuce, Mangoes, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Passionfruit, Poppies and other crops as per the Directions for Use

DO NOT apply by air, except on potatoes

Use pattern
In the following table Tree and Vine Crops, all rates given are for dilute spraying. For concentrate spraying, refer to the Application section.

Critical Comments
For all uses in the table Tree and Vine Crops: Apply by dilute or concentrate spraying equipment. Apply the same total amount of product to the target crop whether applying this product by dilute or concentrate spraying methods.
When applying AMISTAR 250 SC through low volume application equipment, DO NOT use a concentrate factor greater than 4X. In these cases adequate coverage of all plant surfaces is still required to achieve control of diseases.

Anthracnose (Colletotrichum acutatum)
Rate: 1.1 L/ha
WHP:  4 weeks
Critical Comments: Apply using orchard airblast/mister sprayer applying sufficient water to obtain uniform coverage. May be applied as a Dilute or Concentrate spray.
Alternate with sprays of other chemical groups.
Dilute application: Water volumes typically range from 1800 to 2000 L/ha.
Concentrate application: Apply in 800 to 1000 L/ha.
Apply as part of an anthracnose disease management program.
DO NOT apply more than 3 applications per season

Stem End Rot, Anthracnose
Rate: 80 mL / 100 L
WHP: 7 days
Critical Comments: For best results commence the disease control program with an approved fungicide from an alternative chemical group, then apply 1 application of AMISTAR 250 SC during early fruit set. Follow with applications of an approved fungicide from a different chemical group. Apply 2 final applications of AMISTAR 250 SC at 14 to 28 day intervals with the final spray applied 7 days prior to harvest.
Ensure thorough spray coverage.
DO NOT use AMISTAR 250 SC curatively.
DO NOT apply more than 3 applications of AMISTAR 250 SC per season.
DO NOT start the disease control program with AMISTAR 250 SC.
See Resistance Management.

Brown Spot (Alternaria sp.), Black Spot (Guignardia citricarpa)
Rate: 40 mL/100 L
WHP: -
Critical Comments: For best results apply 1 to 2 applications of AMISTAR 250 SC after copper fungicides, at no less than 14 day intervals.
Follow with applications of an approved fungicide from a different chemical group. Ensure thorough spray coverage.
DO NOT use AMISTAR 250 SC curatively.
DO NOT apply more than 2 applications of AMISTAR 250 SC per season.
DO NOT start the disease control program with AMISTAR 250 SC.

table, wine, dried
Disease: Powdery Mildew (Uncinular necator), Downy Mildew (Plasmopara viticola), Botrytis Bunch Rot† (Botrytis cinerea)
Rate: 75 mL to 100 mL / 100 L
WHP: 14 days
Critical Comments: This use is subject to a CropLife Fungicide Resistance Management Strategy.
Apply in a sufficient volume of water to achieve thorough coverage of all foliage and fruit. The volume of water required to achieve this will depend on the stage of vine growth and vigour.
Ensure thorough coverage.
Adjust spray nozzles to direct spray droplets to the canopy present.
Apply the higher rate of application in the following circumstances:
1. Where humid conditions favour Powdery Mildew infection, particularly on susceptible varieties.
2. At the start of the season when there has been a heavy carry over of Powdery Mildew infection (flag shoots are present).
Apply 2 consecutive applications at 10 to 16 day intervals at any time between early shoot growth and 14 days before harvest. Use the recommended shorter interval during periods when climatic conditions are favourable for disease infection.
†Botrytis Bunch Rot
AMISTAR 250 SC must not be used alone for Botrytis control at critical times such as 80 to 100% capfall and preharvest. It must be tank mixed with or substituted by a specific botryticide at these critical times. When AMISTAR 250 SC is used in a seasonal spray program it will provide control of Botrytis additional to that of specific botryticides such as Bravo.
DO NOT use AMISTAR 250 SC curatively.
DO NOT apply more than 2 applications of AMISTAR 250 SC per crop in 1 season.
DO NOT use AMISTAR 250 SC for disease control in grapevine nurseries.
See Resistance Management.

Disease: Stem End Rot, Anthracnose
Rate: 80 mL / 100 L
WHP: 3 days
Critical Comments: For best results apply 1 to 2 applications of AMISTAR 250 SC at flowering and early fruit set, at no less than 14 day intervals. Follow with applications of an approved fungicide from a different chemical group. Further applications of AMISTAR 250 SC may be applied at 21 days and 3 to 7 days prior to harvest.
Ensure thorough spray coverage.
DO NOT use AMISTAR 250 SC curatively.
DO NOT apply more than 3 applications of AMISTAR 250 SC per season.
DO NOT start the disease control program with AMISTAR 250 SC.
See Resistance Management

Disease: Alternaria, Cladosporium
Rate: 80 mL / 100 L
WHP: 1 day
Critical Comments: This use is subject to a CropLife Fungicide Resistance Management Strategy.
For best results apply 2 to 3 applications of AMISTAR 250 SC at 14 day intervals over flowering. Follow with applications of an approved fungicide from a different chemical group. Apply a further 1 to 2 applications of AMISTAR 250 SC finishing 1 day prior to harvest.
Ensure thorough spray coverage.
DO NOT use AMISTAR 250 SC curatively.
DO NOT exceed 5 applications of AMISTAR 250 SC per crop.
DO NOT start the disease control program with AMISTAR 250 SC.
See Resistance Management.

Disease: Alternaria Late Blight (Alternaria alternata), Anthracnose (Colletotrichum spp.), Botryosphaeria dothidea (Dothiorella dominicana)
Rate: 1 L/ha
WHP: 4 weeks
Critical Comments: Apply using orchard airblast/mister sprayer applying sufficient water to obtain uniform coverage. May be applied as a Dilute or Concentrate spray. Alternate with sprays of other chemical groups.
Dilute application: Water volumes typically range from 1800 to 2000 L/ha.
Concentrate Application: Apply in 800 to 1000 L/ha.
Alternaria: Apply during nut development.
Anthracnose: Apply when conditions favour disease development.
DO NOT apply more than 3 applications per season.

Suppression of: White Rot (Sclerotinium cepivorum),
Rate: 800 mL/ha
WHP: 7 days
Critical Comments: Apply at the first sign of disease or preferably preventatively when a disease predictive assessment shows conditions favourable to disease development. Apply a program of 2 to 3 consecutive sprays of product at 7 to 14 day intervals. Use the shorter interval when weather conditions favour disease infection. Apply in sufficient water volume using ground boom spray equipment or equivalent only as a foliar spray. Good coverage of foliage is essential. Use a higher volume in dense or well grown crops.
DO NOT apply more than 3 applications per crop per season.

Disease: Suppression of: Scle rotinia Rot (Sclerotinia spp.)
Rate: 500 to 600 mL/ha or 50 to 60 mL/100 L
WHP: -
Critical Comments: Apply in sufficient volume of water to achieve thorough coverage of all foliage. Use the higher rates when climatic conditions are humid and mild which favours disease infection.
Spray Interval: Apply a maximum of 2 consecutive applications at 7 to 14 day intervals commencing soon after planting and continuing up to crop maturity. Use the recommended shorter interval under humid weather conditions that are favourable for disease infection or where there is rapid vegetative growth during the early part of the crop cycle.
DO NOT apply more than 3 applications per crop
See Resistance Management.

 Alternaria Leaf spot
Rate: 400 mL/ha
WHP: 7 days

Disease: White Blister Rust (Albugo candida), Sclerotinia Rot
Rate: 500 mL/ha
WHP: 7 days

Critical Comments: Apply in sufficient water to ensure through coverage of all plant parts.
Repeat application(s) 7 to 14 days later depending on severity of infestation.
Note: Add a non ionic surfactant to the spray mix.
DO NOT apply more than 2 applications per crop
See Resistance Management.

White Blister Rust (Albugo candida), Sclerotinia Rot
Rate: 500 mL/ha
WHP: 7 days
Critical Comments: Apply in sufficient water to ensure through coverage of all plant parts.
Repeat application(s) 7 to 14 days later depending on severity of infestation.
Note: Add a non ionic surfactant to the spray mix.
DO NOT apply more than 2 applications per crop
See Resistance Management.

Disease: Powdery Mildew (Sphaerotheca fuliginea), Downy Mildew (Pseudoperonospora cubensis)
Rate: 80 to 120 mL / 100 L
WHP: 1 day

Disease: Gummy Stem Blight (Didymella bryoniae)
Rate: 120 mL / 100 L
WHP: 1 day

Critical Comments: This use is subject to a CropLife Fungicide Resistance Management Strategy.
Consecutive applications should be applied at 7 to 14 day intervals, commencing soon after transplanting and continuing up to fruit maturity. Use the recommended shorter application interval in the following circumstances:
1. Under humid weather conditions which are favourable for Powdery Mildew, Downy Mildew or Gummy Stem Blight infection.
2. When there is rapid vegetative growth during the early part of the crop cycle.
Apply the higher rate when climatic conditions favour powdery or Downy Mildew infection and in crops with large canopies.
Apply in a sufficient volume of water to achieve thorough coverage of all foliage. The volume of water required to achieve this will depend on the stage of growth of the cucurbits.
For dilute spraying (g /100 L), an application volume of 300 L/ha is suggested where sprays are banded in the early part of the season, increasing to 1000 L/ha as a broadcast spray in a vigorous crop at full canopy.
DO NOT apply more than 2 applications of AMISTAR 250 SC per crop.
See Resistance Management.

Disease: White Blister Rust (Albugo candida), Downy Mildew
Rate: 600 mL/ha
WHP: 7 days
Critical Comments: Apply when conditions favour disease development.
Apply as a foliar spray with knapsack or boom spray with a minimum re-application interval of 7 days. Apply with a spray volume of 400 to 600 L/ha to ensure maximum coverage
DO NOT apply more than 3 applications per season per crop.

Disease: Downy Mildew (Peronospora destructor)
Rate: 300 mL/ha
WHP: 7 days

Disease: Suppression of: White Rot (Sclerotinium cepivorum)
Rate: 800 mL/ha
WHP: 7 days

Critical Comments: Apply at the first sign of disease or preferably preventatively when a disease predictive assessment shows conditions favourable to disease development. Apply a program of 2 to 3 consecutive sprays of product at 7 to 14 day intervals. Use the shorter interval when weather conditions favour disease infection. Apply in sufficient water volume using ground boom spray equipment or equivalent only as a foliar spray. Good coverage of foliage is essential. Use a higher volume in dense or well grown crops.
DO NOT apply more than 3 applications per crop per season.

Disease: Suppression of Sclerotinia Rot (Sclerotinia spp.)
Rate: 500 to 600 mL/ha or 50 to 60 mL/100 L
WHP: 14 days
Critical Comments: Apply in sufficient volume of water to achieve thorough coverage of all foliage. Use the higher rates when climatic conditions are humid and mild which favours disease infection.
Spray Interval: Apply a maximum of 2 consecutive applications at 7 to 14 day intervals commencing soon after planting and continuing up to crop maturity. Use the recommended shorter interval under humid weather conditions that are favourable for disease infection or where there is rapid vegetative growth during the early part of the crop cycle.
DO NOT apply more than 3 applications per crop.
See Resistance Management.

Disease: Downy Mildew
Rate: 750 mL/ha
WHP: 6 weeks
Critical Comments: This use is subject to a CropLife Fungicide Resistance Management Strategy.
Apply AMISTAR 250 SC preventatively before disease symptoms appear.
Ensure thorough spray coverage.
DO NOT use AMISTAR 250 SC curatively.
DO NOT apply more than 2 applications of AMISTAR 250 SC per crop.
See Resistance Management.

Disease: Early Blight (Target Spot) (Alternaria solani)
Rate: 300 to 400 mL/ha
WHP: -

Disease: Late Blight (Phytophthora infestans)
Rate: 500 to 600 mL/ha
WHP: -

Disease: Soil borne: Black Scurf (Rhizoctonia solani), Suppression of Silver Scurf (Helminthosporium solani)
Rate: 5 to 10 mL/ 100 m of row
WHP: -

Critical Comments: This use is subject to a CropLife Fungicide Resistance Management Strategy.
AMISTAR 250 SC may be applied by ground or aerial application equipment in potatoes. Aerial application may be used only for Early Blight (Target Spot) control.
Consecutive applications should be applied at 7 to 14 day intervals at any time between early shoot growth and 14 days before harvest. Use the recommended shorter application interval in the following circumstances.
1. Under humid weather conditions which are favourable for early or Late Blight infection
2. When there is rapid vegetative growth during the early part of the crop cycle
3. At the first sign of Late Blight infection
Apply the higher rates when climatic conditions favour Early Blight or Late Blight infection and in crops with large canopies.
Apply in a sufficient volume of water to achieve thorough coverage of all foliage. The volume of water required to achieve this will depend on the stage of growth of the potatoes.
Ground Application: A volume of 200 to 300 L/ha is suggested at the start of the season, increasing to 500 to 600 L/ha in a vigorous crop at full canopy.
Aerial Application (Early Blight only): A volume of 30 to 40 L/ha is recommended.
Where late blight infection has occurred it is recommended that single sprays of AMISTAR 250 SC be alternated with 2 sprays of Bravo or a fungicide(s) from another group(s).
DO NOT apply more than 3 applications of AMISTAR 250 SC per crop.
See Resistance Management.
Apply once as an in-furrow spray at planting. Mount the spray nozzle so the spray is directed into the furrow as a 15 to 20 cm band just before the seed is covered. Use the higher rate of AMISTAR 250 SC where higher levels of disease occur. Use the lower rate where lower levels of disease occur or where less disease control is required. Apply in 1 to 3 L of water/100 m of row. Ensure the water volume used is not so high as to wash off any seed treatments previously applied to seed.
DO NOT apply AMISTAR 250 SC if conditions or seed quality favour bacterial rots as these diseases may be aggravated if seed comes into contact with additional moisture.
DO NOT apply AMISTAR 250 SC if planting in hot, sandy soils as bacterial rots may be aggravated

Disease: Ray Blight (Phoma ligulicola)
Rate: 600 mL/ha
WHP: -
Critical Comments: Application should commence at stem elongation in mid August prior to disease symptoms becoming evident.

Disease: White Blister Rust (Albugo candida)
Rate: 500 to 600 mL/ha
WHP: 7 days
Critical Comments: Apply a program of 2 consecutive sprays of product at a 7 to 14 day interval. Use the shorter interval when weather conditions favour disease infection. Apply in sufficient water volume using ground boom spray equipment or equivalent only as a foliar spray. Good coverage of foliage is essential.
DO NOT apply more than 2 applications per crop per season.

 Stemphyllium spp.,
Suppression of: Botrytis Grey Mould (Botrytis cinerea)
WHP: -
Rate: 600 mL/ha or 60 mL /100 L
Critical Comments: Apply in sufficient volume of water to achieve thorough coverage of all foliage. Sprays should be applied at 7 to14 day intervals commencing soon after transplanting and continuing up to maturity.
Use the shorter interval under humid conditions that are favourable for disease infection or when there is rapid vegetative growth during the early part of the crop cycle.
DO NOT apply more than 3 applications per crop
DO NOT graze or cut treated crops for stockfeed
See Resistance Management

Except greenhouse
Disease: Early Blight (Target Spot) (Alternaria solani)
Rate: 400 mL/ha or 40 mL/100 L
WHP: 1 day

Disease: Late Blight (Phytophthora infestans), Sclerotinia (Sclerotinia minor)
Rate: 500 to 600 mL/ha or 50 to 60 mL/100 L
WHP: 1 day
Critical Comments: This use is subject to a CropLife Fungicide Resistance Management Strategy.
Consecutive applications should be applied at 7 to 14 day intervals commencing soon after transplanting and continuing up to fruit maturity. Use the recommended shorter application interval in the following circumstances:
1. Under humid weather conditions which are favourable for disease infection
2. When there is rapid vegetative growth during the early part of the crop cycle
For Late Blight and Sclerotinia control use the higher rates when climatic conditions are humid and mild, which favours disease infection.
Apply in a sufficient volume of water to achieve thorough coverage of all foliage. The volume of water required to achieve this will depend on the stage of growth of the tomatoes and the method of trellising which influences canopy volume.
In the case of dilute spraying (mL/100 L) apply in the range of 400 to 500 L/ha after transplanting and increase to 800 to 1000 L/ha at full canopy. In the case of fully trellised tomatoes at full canopy, application volumes should be increased to 1500 L/ha to achieve these results with high volume spraying.
Where Late Blight infection has occurred it is recommended that single sprays of AMISTAR 250 SC be alternated with 2 sprays of Bravo or a fungicide(s) from another group(s).
DO NOT apply more than 6 applications of AMISTAR 250 SC per crop.
See Resistance Management.


Cucurbits, Passionfruit, Tomatoes: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 1 DAY AFTER APPLICATION
Avocados, Garlic, Leeks, Shallots, Spring Onions, Brassica Vegetables, Brassica Leafy Vegetables, Horseradish, Radish: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 7 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION
Beans, Citrus, Nursery Stock (non-food), Ornamentals, Pyrethrum, Snow Peas, Sugar Snap Peas, Garden Peas and Potatoes: NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED

AMISTAR 250 SC is extremely phytotoxic to certain apple varieties.
AVOID SPRAY DRIFT. Extreme care must be used to prevent injury to apple trees.
DO NOT spray AMISTAR 250 SC where spray drift may reach apple trees.
DO NOT spray when conditions favour drift beyond the area intended for application. Conditions that may contribute to drift include thermal inversions, excessive wind speed, certain sprayer nozzle/pressure combinations, small spray droplet size, etc.
DO NOT use spray equipment that has been previously used to apply AMISTAR 250 SC to spray apple trees. Even trace amounts can cause unacceptable phytotoxicty.

DO NOT use concentration factors exceeding 4X when applying through low volume application equipment, except when applying AMISTAR 250 SC by air. In these cases adequate coverage of all plant surfaces is still required to achieve control of diseases.
Tree Crops and Vines
Dilute Spraying: Use a sprayer designed to apply high volumes of water up to the point of run off and matched to the crop being sprayed. Set up and operate the sprayer to achieve even coverage throughout the crop canopy. Apply sufficient water to cover the crop to the point of run off. Avoid excessive run off. The required water volume may be determined by applying different test volumes, using different settings on the sprayer, from industry guidelines or expert advice. Add the amount of product specified in the Directions for Use table for each 100 L of water. Spray to the point of run off. The required dilute spray volume will change and the sprayer set up and operation may also need to be changed, as the crop grows.
Concentrate Spraying: Use a sprayer designed and set up for concentrate spraying (that is a sprayer which applies water volumes less than those required to reach the point of run off) and matched to the crop being sprayed. Set up and operate the sprayer to achieve even coverage throughout the crop canopy using your chosen water volume. Determine an appropriate dilute spray volume (see Dilute spraying above) for the crop canopy. This is needed to calculate the concentrate mixing rate. The mixing rate for concentrate spraying can then be calculated in the following way:

Example only
1. Dilute spray volume as determined above: for example 1000 L/ha
2. Your chosen concentrate spray volume: for example 500 L/ha
3. The concentration factor in this example is: 2 x (ie 1000 L  500 L = 2)
4. If the dilute label rate is 80 mL/100 L, then the concentrate rate becomes 2 x 80, that is 160 mL/100 L of concentrate spray.
The chosen spray volume, amount of product per 100 L of water, and the sprayer set up and operation may need to be changed as the crop grows. For further information on concentrate spraying, users are advised to consult relevant industry guidelines, undertake appropriate competency training and follow industry Best Practices.

Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start agitation. Shake the closed AMISTAR 250 SC container. Whilst filling the remainder of the spray tank add the required amount of AMISTAR 250 SC, adding any tank mix products last. Maintain agitation until spraying is complete. DO NOT leave the spray mix in the sprayer overnight.

Compatibility/Tank Mixing
AMISTAR 250 SC may be mixed in the spray vat with any one of the following products: Ambush, Bravo, Captan* WG, copper hydroxide, Dominex* 100, Dipel* DF, Fortress* 500, Karate, Larvin* 375, Talstar* 80SC, Thiodan*.
A mixture of AMISTAR 250 SC with more than one of these products or with any other product may be ineffective or may cause serious damage. The use of such a mixture is not recommended and would therefore be entirely at the user’s risk.
If tank mixes are to be used observe all directions, precautions and limitations on all products to be used.
As formulations of other manufacturer’s products are beyond the control of Syngenta and water quality varies with location, all mixtures should be tested prior to mixing commercial quantities.
Note: On some tomato varieties, tank mixtures of AMISTAR 250 SC and Lorsban* 500 EC or Nitofol* or Kelthane* MF or Lebaycid* or Supracide have been found to be phytotoxic. DO NOT tank mix these products with AMISTAR 250 SC.
On some grape varieties, tank mixtures of AMISTAR 250 SC and Lorsban 500 EC have been found to be phytotoxic. DO NOT tank mix AMISTAR 250 SC with Lorsban 500 EC for use in grapes.

Export of Treated Produce
While Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) have been set in many major wine export destinations, some export destinations have not finalised MRL applications. For further information regarding export tolerances please contact your winery, Syngenta representative or the Australian Wine Research Institute.
Other Crops
While Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) have been set in many major export destinations, it should be noted that MRLs or import tolerances may not be established in all export destinations. For further information regarding export tolerances please contact your export organisation or Syngenta representative.

Fungicide Resistance Warning
AMISTAR 250 SC Fungicide is a member of the Strobilurin and related products group of fungicides. For fungicide resistance management the product is a Group 11 fungicide.
Some naturally occurring individual fungi resistant to the product and other Group 11 fungicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any fungal population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the fungal population if these fungicides are used repeatedly. These resistant fungi will not be controlled by this product or other Group 11 fungicides, thus resulting in a reduction in efficacy and possible yield loss.
Since the occurrence of resistant fungi is difficult to detect prior to use, Syngenta Australia Pty Ltd accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of this product to control resistant fungi.

Resistance Management
Amistar 250 SC should be applied in a protective spray program containing fungicides from different chemical group/s. DO NOT wait until disease levels have built up to make applications as this reduces the effectiveness of control and increases risk of resistance development. Disease control may be reduced if strains of pathogens less sensitive to AMISTAR 250 SC develop.
AMISTAR 250 SC should be applied as specified in the Directions for Use in association with the following CropLife Fungicide Resistance Management Strategies:
- DO NOT apply more than 1/3 of the total fungicide sprays per crop as AMISTAR 250 SC.
- A maximum of 2 consecutive applications of AMISTAR 250 SC are to be applied. They must be followed by at least the same number of applications of fungicide(s) from a different fungicide group(s), before AMISTAR 250 SC is used again in that crop.
- Where crops are grown successively alternation should continue between crops.

Registered for culturesRatePreharvest Interval
Shallots0.8 l7
Poppies0.75 l42
Radishes0.5 - 0.6 l7
Almonds1.1 l28
Avocados0 l7
Citrus0 l
Grapes0 l14
Mangoes0 l3
Passionfruit0 l1
Pistachios1 l28
Garlic0.8 l7
Onions0.8 l7
Beans0.5 - 0.6 l
Horseradish0.6 l7
Leeks0.3 - 0.8 l7
Lettuce0.5 - 0.6 l14
Potatoes0.3 - 0.6 l
Peas0.6 l
Tomatoes0.4 - 0.6 l1