Azoxystrobin 250 SC

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Active materials



  • Avoid concentration factors exceeding 4X when using low volume application equipment, except for aerial application of Rainbow Azoxystrobin 250 SC. Adequate coverage of all plant surfaces is essential for disease control.

Tree Crops and Vines:

  • Dilute spraying: Use sprayers designed for high water volumes up to the point of run-off. Ensure even coverage throughout the crop canopy without excessive run-off.

  • Concentrate spraying: Utilize sprayers for lower water volumes. Determine an appropriate dilute spray volume and calculate the concentrate mixing rate accordingly.

Concentrate Mixing Calculation Example:

  1. Determine dilute spray volume (e.g., 1000 L/ha).

  2. Choose concentrate spray volume (e.g., 500 L/ha).

  3. Calculate concentration factor (e.g., 1000 L ÷ 500 L = 2).

  4. Adjust concentrate rate based on concentration factor (e.g., if dilute label rate is 80 mL/100 L, then concentrate rate becomes 160 mL/100 L of concentrate spray).


  • Fill half the spray tank with clean water and start agitation.

  • Shake the closed Rainbow Azoxystrobin 250 SC container.

  • While filling the rest of the tank, add the required amount of Rainbow Azoxystrobin 250 SC, adding any tank-mix products last.

  • Maintain agitation until spraying is complete. Do not leave the spray mix in the sprayer overnight.

Registered for culturesRate
Leeks0.3 - 0.8 l
Shallots0.8 l
Shallots0.8 l
Garlic0.8 l
Carrots0.4 - 1 l
Beans0 l
Pistachios1 l
Mangoes0 l
Grapes0 l
Avocados0 l
Almonds1.1 l