Chlortan 720

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General Instructions: Surefire Chlortan 720 Fungicide

Note: Surefire Chlortan 720 Fungicide is a protectant fungicide. To achieve optimal results, apply before diseases occur or become established. Use disease warning services or past history to determine the timing of the first spray. If diseases are already present, use an eradicant product first and mix with Surefire Chlortan 720 Fungicide.

MIXING: Slowly invert the container several times to ensure a uniform mixture. Mix the required quantity of product with water in the spray tank with the agitator operating.


Dilute Spraying:

  • Use a sprayer designed for high water volumes, up to the point of run-off, matching the crop being sprayed.
  • Set up and operate the sprayer for even coverage throughout the crop canopy.
  • Apply sufficient water to cover the crop to the point of run-off, avoiding excessive run-off.
  • Determine the required water volume using different test volumes, settings on the sprayer, industry guidelines, or expert advice.
  • Add the specified amount of product for each 100 L of water and spray to the point of run-off.
  • Adjust dilute spray volume, sprayer setup, and operation as the crop grows.

Concentrate Spraying:

  • Use a sprayer designed for concentrate spraying, applying water volumes less than required for run-off, and matching the crop.
  • Set up and operate the sprayer for even coverage in the crop canopy using the chosen water volume.
  • Determine an appropriate dilute spray volume for the crop canopy to calculate the concentrate mix rate.
  • Calculate concentrate mix rate using the concentration factor (e.g., 3x).
  • Adjust the chosen spray volume, product amount per 100 L of water, and sprayer setup as the crop grows.
  • Consult industry guidelines, undertake competency training, and follow Best Practices for concentrate spraying.

COMPATIBILITY: This product is compatible with wettable powder formulations of commonly used fungicides, insecticides, and miticides. DO NOT combine with oil-based emulsifiable or flowable pesticides unless prior experience shows compatibility. Avoid mixing with spraying oils or spraying onto crops treated with oil for at least 10 days. Wetting agents may not improve performance, and certain surfactants may cause plant injury under specific conditions.

Resistance Warning: GROUP M5 FUNGICIDE For fungicide resistance management, Surefire Chlortan 720 Fungicide is a Group M5 fungicide. Naturally occurring fungi resistant to this product and other Group M5 fungicides may exist due to genetic variability. Resistant fungi may dominate if these fungicides are used repeatedly, resulting in reduced efficacy and potential yield loss. PCT Holdings Pty Ltd accepts no liability for losses from the failure of Surefire Chlortan 720 Fungicide to control resistant fungi.

Registered for culturesRate
Almonds0 l
Apricots0 l
Cherries0 l
Grapes0 l
Peaches0 l
Plums0 l
Chickpeas1 - 2 l
Lentils1 - 2 l
Peanuts1.1 - 1.8 l
Peas1.1 - 1.8 l
Bananas1.5 l
Potatoes1.1 - 1.8 l
Carrots1.8 l
Celery1.8 l
Tomatoes1.8 - 2.3 l
Sweet corn1.8 - 2.3 l
Radishes1.8 - 2.3 l