Construct 850 VeripHy WG

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Active materials



Add a few granules of CONSTRUCT 850 VeripHy to a sample of water to be used in the spray solution preparation and mix thoroughly.

  • If a yellow color is exhibited, proceed with spray solution preparation at full scale, indicating that the spray solution is acidic (pH < 7) and alkaline hydrolysis is not a threat.

  • If a purple color is exhibited, the spray solution is alkaline (pH > 7), signaling a threat of alkaline hydrolysis. Treat the spray tank dilution water with an acidifying agent such as Imtrade Pro 700 Surfactant (APVMA Product No. 64260) or an equivalent product according to label directions to reduce the pH to a preferred level and preserve Flumioxazin. After acidification, retest the dilution water and proceed with spray solution preparation at full scale only when a yellow color is exhibited.

CONSTRUCT 850 VeripHy is a water-dispersible granule formulation. To ensure even mixing, half-fill the spray tank with clean water, keep the agitation system engaged, and mix thoroughly until fully dissolved. Add the knockdown herbicide and remaining water, mixing thoroughly. Add spray additive near the end of the filling process to minimize foaming. Always maintain adequate agitation during application and use the tank mix promptly.


  • Apply in a minimum of 80L spray solution per hectare.

  • Refer to the Directions for Use and General Instructions of the knockdown herbicide label.

  • Coverage is crucial as CONSTRUCT 850 VeripHy is a contact herbicide.

  • Performance may be reduced with large droplets and poor coverage, especially on Volunteer Cotton or weeds.

  • Use air induction nozzles that deliver medium droplets produced by wide-angle flat fan or twin jet nozzles for best results with CONSTRUCT 850 VeripHy.

  • If the partner herbicide requires coarse droplets, ensure high water volume (>80L/ha) is used.


When cleaning spraying equipment, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist and elbow-length chemical-resistant gloves. After CONSTRUCt 850 VeripHy application, follow these steps:

  1. Completely drain the spray tank and rinse the sprayer thoroughly, including the inside and outside of the tank and all in-line screens.

  2. Flush all hoses, booms, screens, and nozzles with clean water.

  3. Add 1L of 3% household ammonia or similar alkaline-based tank cleaner for every 100L of water, circulate through the sprayer for 5 minutes, then flush all hoses, booms, screens, and nozzles for a minimum of 15 minutes.

  4. Drain the tank completely.

  5. Add enough clean water to the spray tank to flush all hoses, booms, screens, and nozzles for 2 minutes.

  6. Remove all nozzles and screens and rinse them in clean water.

Equipment with CONSTRUCT 850 VeripHy residue remaining in the system may result in crop injury to the subsequently treated crop.


CONSTRUCT 850 VeripHy is incompatible in solutions with a pH greater than 7. Avoid all such combinations. Test all mixtures prior to mixing commercial quantities, as formulations of other manufacturers' products are beyond the control of Imtrade Australia Pty Ltd.

Registered for cultures
Winter wheat
Spring wheat
Winter barley
Spring barley