D-Sect EC

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Insecticide Resistance Warning: CROPRO D-SECT EC INSECTICIDE is a Group 3A insecticide. Some naturally occurring insect biotypes resistant to CROPRO D-SECT EC INSECTICIDE and other Group 3A insecticides may exist due to genetic variability in any insect population. Resistant individuals can dominate the insect population with repeated use, potentially reducing the effectiveness of CROPRO D-SECT EC INSECTICIDE. Since detecting resistant individuals prior to use is difficult, PCT Holdings Pty Ltd accepts no liability for losses resulting from the failure of CROPRO D-SECT EC INSECTICIDE to control resistant insects. Specific resistance management strategies may apply; contact your local supplier, PCT Holdings Pty Ltd representatives, or local agricultural department agronomist for more information.


  • CROPRO D-SECT is a contact spray, requiring thorough and even coverage.
  • Residual control may be reduced if heavy rainfall occurs within 48 hours of application.
  • Can be applied using water as a carrier, and aircraft application can be done as ULV (Ultra Low Volume) in combination with a compatible ULV insecticide and/or oil as a bulking agent.

Export of Treated Produce:

  • Check with PCT Holdings Pty Ltd for the latest information on Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) and import tolerances before using CROPRO D-SECT Insecticide if growing produce for export.


Ground Spray:

  • Standard low volume boom or high volume equipment may be used.


  • Water Application: Apply by aircraft using water as a carrier. Water volumes of 20 to 30 L/ha have given satisfactory results.
  • ULV Application: CROPRO D-SECT can be used without dilution in mixture with some ULV products or applied ULV in combination with D-C-Tron® Cotton Spray Oil. A minimum spray volume of 3.0 L/ha should be applied ULV using a compatible ULV insecticide mixture partner and/or D-C-Tron Cotton Spray Oil as the bulking agent. Do not add water; use directly from the container.
  • For ULV application, CROPRO D-SECT must only be applied by aircraft fitted with accurately calibrated ULV equipment, e.g., Micronair AU5000 atomizers. To minimize drift, control the rotational speed of the atomizers, aiming for a rotational speed of approximately 2700 rpm. This ensures a desirable droplet diameter of 100 microns. Set blade angles at 75 degrees and avoid high speeds during application.

Note: Thorough coverage is essential for effective application.


  • Water: CROPRO D-SECT can be mixed with most piperonyl butoxide formulations, as well as fungicides and insecticides like chlorothalonil, dimethoate, mancozeb, metalaxyl, methomyl, parathion methyl, Amitraz® EC Insecticide, and pirimicarb. It can also be mixed with other products including Reward® Cotton Growth Regulant, Wuxal* Liquid Foliar Nutrient, and most knockdown herbicides.
  • ULV: When sprayed as a ULV product, CROPRO D-SECT is compatible with Amitraz ULV Insecticide and Pipbut Synergist for additional insect control. It is also compatible with D-C-Tron Cotton Spray Oil. For further information on ULV insecticide compatibilities, contact PCT HOLDINGS Pty. Ltd.


  • Water: Fill the spray tank to about 3/4 full with clean water. Add the required quantity of CROPRO D-SECT to the spray tank with agitators in motion. If other products are to be mixed, add them after CROPRO D-SECT is mixed in the tank. Top up the spray tank to the required volume with clean water, with agitators operating. When mixing with Pipbut Synergist, add the required quantity of CROPRO D-SECT first, followed by Pipbut Synergist. Then, with agitators operating, add the required quantity of clean water to the spray tank.
  • ULV: When applying CROPRO D-SECT as a ULV spray in combination with compatible ULV products (or oil), add CROPRO D-SECT after the ULV product (or oil), with agitators in motion. Ensure there is no water or products containing water in this mixture or in the spraying equipment.


  • DO NOT apply under weather conditions or from spraying equipment that may cause spray to drift onto nearby susceptible plants/crops, cropping lands, or pastures.


  • Dangerous to bees. DO NOT spray on any plants in flower while bees are foraging. Some repellent effect may be apparent for approximately 2 days.


  • Dangerous to fish. DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers, or waterways with this product or used containers.


  • DO NOT allow entry into treated areas until spray deposits have dried. When prior entry is necessary, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist, and elbow-length PVC gloves. Clothing must be laundered after each day’s use.


  • Store in the closed, original container in a cool, well-ventilated area, avoiding prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.
  • In case of spillage, confine and absorb spilled product with absorbent material such as sand, clay, or cat litter.
  • Dispose of waste as indicated below or according to Australian Standard AS 2507 - Storage and Handling of Pesticides.
  • Triple or preferably pressure rinse containers before disposal. Add rinsings to the spray tank. Do not dispose of undiluted chemicals on site.
  • Empty containers should be recycled or delivered to an approved waste management facility.
  • Do not burn empty containers or bury waste. Follow local, state, or territory government regulations for disposal.
Registered for culturesRate
Chickpeas0.2 l
Lentils0.2 l
Canola0.2 - 0.5 l
Cabbages0.4 - 0.5 l
Cauliflower0.4 - 0.5 l
Brussels sprouts0.4 - 0.5 l
Broccoli0.4 - 0.5 l
Cotton0.18 - 0.7 l
Sorghum0.2 - 0.5 l
Soybeans0.5 l