Eradicator X 450

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Imtrade Eradicator X 450 Herbicide is a non-volatile, non-selective, water-soluble liquid herbicide designed for the control of annual and perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds across various agricultural settings. It is suitable for use on agricultural land prior to planting both edible and non-edible crops, excluding transplanting tomatoes. When applying this herbicide before transplanting crops into plastic mulch, it is important to remove residues from the plastic before transplanting. Residues can be eliminated by 2 cm of natural rainfall or by applying water through a sprinkler irrigation system.

Imtrade Eradicator X 450 Herbicide is absorbed by plant foliage and green stems. It is inactivated on clay and organic matter in the soil and does not provide residual weed control. The herbicide moves throughout the plant from the point of contact to and into the root system. Initial visible effects on annual weeds occur within 3-7 days, but the results may not be noticeable for 2-3 weeks under cool, cloudy conditions or on some perennial weeds.


Imtrade Eradicator X 450 Herbicide belongs to the Glycines group of herbicides and operates through the inhibition of EPSP synthase. It is classified as a Group M Herbicide. The development of resistant weed biotypes to Imtrade Eradicator X 450 Herbicide and other Group M Herbicides may occur due to natural genetic variability in weed populations. Resistant individuals can dominate weed populations if these herbicides are used repeatedly. Imtrade Australia Pty Ltd accepts no liability for losses resulting from the failure of Imtrade Eradicator X 450 Herbicide to control resistant weeds. Implementing resistance management measures is crucial, such as crop and herbicide rotations, crop management practices that minimize weed seed build-up, and monitoring of herbicide use and weed distribution on the farm.


Imtrade Eradicator X 450 Herbicide is recommended for controlling emerged weeds before crop establishment. Suitable cultivation and planting operations are required following herbicide application, providing conditions conducive to crop emergence. If heavy weed growth is present or soil conditions are unfavorable, planting should be delayed to allow for weed decay and the development of suitable soil conditions for seedbed formation. Grazing and cultivation practices that leave trash on the surface can assist in weed decay.


Imtrade Eradicator X 450 Herbicide readily mixes with water. Reduced efficacy may occur if water contains suspended clay or organic matter or has high levels of calcium, magnesium, or bicarbonate ions. Avoid mixing, storing, or applying the herbicide in galvanized steel or unlined steel containers or spray tanks, as this may lead to the formation of a highly flammable mixture. Instead, use stainless steel, aluminum, brass, copper, fiberglass, plastic, or plastic-lined containers or spray tanks. Thoroughly clean equipment with clean water after each use, ensuring the spray tank is free of residue from other spray solutions before mixing. Use spray solutions promptly to prevent a gradual loss of activity over time.


  1. Fill the spray tank 1/3 to 1/2 full with clean water and start agitation.
  2. If adding Liase (ammonium sulfate), use a 2% v/v and mix thoroughly.
  3. If tank mixing, add the recommended herbicide, insecticide, or additive to the spray tank and mix thoroughly.
  4. Add Imtrade Eradicator X 450 Herbicide and the remaining water. Mix thoroughly.
  5. Add Pulse Penetrant or Wetter TX, if required, near the end of the filling process.
  6. Maintain adequate agitation during application and use the tank mix promptly.
  7. Clean all equipment after use by washing thoroughly with water.


Imtrade Eradicator X 450 Herbicide can be tank-mixed with various herbicides, insecticides, and adjuvants. Users should follow all label directions, restraints, plant back and withholding periods, and safety instructions for the tank mix products. In multiple product tank mixes, a minimum water volume of 50L/ha is recommended, and local advice should be sought. Correct mixing order is important, as is good in-tank agitation during application/spraying.


Imtrade Eradicator X 450 Herbicide is compatible with the following herbicides:

  • Imtrade Ester 800, Imtrade Ester 600 LV, Imtrade Smash 300, Imtrade Metsulfuron WG Herbicide, Affinity, Hammer, Flowable Atrazine 500 g/L, Imtrade Atrazine 900 WDG, Tri-allate 500 g/L, Flowable Simazine, Imtrade Simazine 900WDG, Dicamba 500 g/L, Imtrade Rapid 750, Eclipse, Flame, Flandor, Hurricane 600, Chlorsulfuron granule, Trisulfuron granule, Logran B Power (ensure fully dispersed prior to addition of Imtrade Tyranus 450 Herbicide), Lontrel, LVE MCPA 500, Monza, Sulfometuron Methyl WDG, Rifle, Solicam, Rockstar 200, Stomp, Surflan, Trifluralin 480, Yield.

The addition of Striker at 75 mL/ha to recommended rates of Imtrade Eradicator X 450 Herbicide prior to planting winter cereals will improve the knockdown of certain weeds.


This product is compatible with the following insecticides: Imidan, Omen, Chlorpyrifos 500, Perfekthion 400 EC, Pirate 300, Karate, Sumithion, Talstar, and emulsifiable concentrates of dimethoate and fenitrothion.


Wetter TX is recommended for the control of silvergrass and annual ryegrass in late winter and spring. It is not a general-purpose surfactant and should only be used where recommended. The rate is 200 mL/100L spray solution.


Pulse Penetrant is recommended for the control of bracken and many woody weeds. The rate is 200 mL/100L spray solution.


Ammonium sulfate may be used as an adjuvant to alleviate the adverse effects of high levels of calcium and magnesium and bicarbonate ions in water. The rate is 2L/100L spray solution.


  • Boom Equipment: For boom application, a spray volume of 80L/ha or less is recommended for optimum performance. Nozzles and pressure settings should deliver a MEDIUM or MEDIUM–COARSE size droplet at the target. Avoid VERY FINE or FINE droplets, which are prone to loss or drift. In multiple product tank mixes, a minimum water volume of 50L/ha is recommended. Correct mixing order is important, and good in-tank agitation is crucial during application.

  • Shielded Applications: For shielded applications, a spray volume of 80L/sprayed ha is recommended using nozzle types and pressure settings to deliver a COARSE (BCPC) size droplet at the target. Crop damage may occur if there is spray drift due to incorrect nozzle and/or pressure selection, inadequate shielding and/or wind strength, high evaporation rates, or excessive ground speed.

  • Wiper Equipment: Wiper Equipment, such as Ropewick, canvas, felt, or carpet applicators, may be used to apply Imtrade Eradicator X 450 Herbicide. Avoid contact with desirable vegetation, operate wiper equipment a minimum of 10cm above the crop or pasture, and ensure weeds are at least 15cm above the crop or pasture at the time of application. Speed of travel should be no greater than 8km/h, and best results are achieved at lower speeds with two applications made in opposite directions (double pass).

  • Rate for Wiper Equipment: Mix 887 mL Imtrade Eradicator X 450 Herbicide with 2.3 liters of clean water. Adjust flow rate to suit equipment.

  • Aerial Equipment: Imtrade Eradicator X 450 Herbicide may be applied by aircraft for weed control in forests, cropland, or pasture before the establishment of crops, new pastures, or new forest planting, and for pre-harvest applications, up to a maximum rate of 3.4L/ha where specified on the label. DO NOT apply treatments by aircraft in situations where drift onto sensitive crops and pastures is likely.

Aerial Equipment Application Guidelines:

  • Apply treatments using boom or Micronair equipment with a spray volume not less than 20L/ha.
  • Use settings to produce a median droplet diameter of 250 – 350 microns.
  • In multiple product tank mixes, a minimum water volume of 50L/ha is recommended.
  • Correct mixing order is crucial.
  • Adjust swath width based on aircraft type, wind conditions, and target height.
  • Reduce swath width to avoid striping under light wind conditions and/or application to tall, dense targets (e.g., pre-harvest application treatments in heavy crop stubble).
  • Thoroughly wash aircraft after each day of spraying to remove herbicide residue.


  • Increase water volume to 30 – 80L/ha.
  • Increase median droplet diameter of output to at least 300 microns to optimize deposition on weeds.


  • DO NOT apply Imtrade Eradicator X 450 Herbicide by aircraft at temperatures above 30°C.
  • Increase spray output to at least 30L/ha when temperatures rise above 25°C.
  • Avoid application when relative humidity falls below 35%.


  • DO NOT apply treatments with spraying equipment or under weather conditions likely to cause spray drift onto nearby susceptible crops, pastures, or other sensitive plants.
  • DO NOT apply treatments under light wind (less than 4 km/h) or inversion conditions, or when wind speeds exceed 12 km/h.


  • DO NOT treat weeds under poor growing conditions.
  • DO NOT add surfactants, adjuvants, or other pesticides except as specifically directed on this label.
  • Rain within 1 hour of application causing runoff may require re-treatment.
  • A withholding period for grazing is not required, but grazing should be delayed to ensure herbicide uptake.
  • Apply treatments to weeds with at least one true leaf (broadleaf weeds) or two leaves (grasses) to provide an adequate surface area for herbicide uptake.
  • If heavy grazing has occurred, allow regrowth to 6-8 cm before spraying and use the higher rates recommended.


  • Avoid contact with various parts of crops, desirable plants, and trees.
  • Do not apply under conditions that may cause spray drift onto nearby susceptible plants/crops or pastures.


  • Do not contaminate dams, rivers, or streams.
  • Follow label directions to minimize spray entry into water.

STORAGE AND DISPOSAL (5L, 10L, 20L & 200L only)

  • Store in closed, original containers in a cool, well-ventilated area, away from prolonged direct sunlight.
  • Rinse containers before disposal and follow appropriate recycling or burial procedures.
  • Do not burn empty containers.


  • The herbicide may damage eyes and irritate the skin.
  • Protective clothing, including gloves, face shield or goggles, and overalls, should be worn during handling and preparation.
  • In case of contact with eyes or skin, wash immediately with water.
  • After use, wash hands, arms, and face thoroughly with soap and water.
  • Clean equipment after each use.
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