Gesatop 900 WG

Registered until
Registration number
Active materials

For the control of weeds in Almonds, Asparagus, Berry Fruit, Chickpeas, Citrus, Faba Beans, Gladioli, Hops, Lupins, Pome Fruit, Roses, Vineyards, TT-Canola and other crops as per the Directions for Use


ALMONDS established for 3 years
Annual Ryegrass, Annual Thistles, Barley Grass, Bindii, Brome Grass, Capeweed, Chickweed, Common Sowthistle, Creeping Oxalis, Fat Hen, Geranium, Ivy-Leaf Speedwell, Nettles, Potato Weed, Powell’s Amaranth, Redroot Amaranth, Redshank, Shepherd’s Purse, Slim Amaranth, Turnips, Wild Mustard, Winter Grass, Wireweed, Wild Oats
Suppression of Soursob  
State: SA only
/ha: 1 to 2 kg  
/100 L: 60 to 120 g  
/15 L knapsack: 15 to 25 g
Critical Comments: Apply to bare moist soil immediately after cultivation and before weeds emerge. Use higher rate on heavy soil. Lower rates (550 g to 1 kg/ha) can be used in combination with other pre-emergence herbicides to enhance their broadleaf weed control.

 Annual Ryegrass, Annual Thistles, Barley Grass, Bindii, Brome Grass, Capeweed, Chickweed, Common Sowthistle, Creeping Oxalis, Fat Hen, Geranium, Ivy-Leaf Speedwell, Nettles, Potato Weed, Powell’s Amaranth, Redroot Amaranth, Redshank, Shepherd’s Purse, Slim Amaranth, Turnips, Wild Mustard, Winter Grass, Wireweed, Wild Oats
Suppression of Soursob  
State: Qld only
/ha: 3.9 kg
/100 L: -
/15 L knapsack: -
State: NSW, Vic, Tas, SA, WA only
/ha: 1.8 to 2.5 kg
/100 L: 90 to 120 g
/15 L knapsack: 15 to 25 g
Critical Comments: Apply to bare soil. Use higher rate in heavy soil.

Annual Ryegrass, Annual Thistles, Barley Grass, Bindii, Brome Grass, Capeweed, Chickweed, Common Sowthistle, Creeping Oxalis, Fat Hen, Geranium, Ivy-Leaf Speedwell, Nettles, Potato Weed, Powell’s Amaranth, Redroot Amaranth, Redshank, Shepherd’s Purse, Slim Amaranth, Turnips, Wild Mustard, Winter Grass, Wireweed, Wild Oats 
Suppression of Soursob  
State: All States
/ha: 1.3 to 2.5 kg
/100 L: -
/15 L knapsack: -
Critical Comments: Apply to bare moist soil after last cultivation and before spear emergence. Use higher rate on heavy soils, also for Wild Oats.

Boysenberries, Currants, Loganberries, Raspberries established for 12 months
 Annual Ryegrass, Annual Thistles, Barley Grass, Bindii, Brome Grass, Capeweed, Chickweed, Common Sowthistle, Creeping Oxalis, Fat Hen, Geranium, Ivy-Leaf Speedwell, Nettles, Potato Weed, Powell’s Amaranth, Redroot Amaranth, Redshank, Shepherd’s Purse, Slim Amaranth, Turnips, Wild Mustard, Winter Grass, Wireweed, Wild Oats 
Suppression of Soursob  
State: All States
/ha: 1.3 to 2.5 kg
/100 L: -
/15 L knapsack: -
Critical Comments: 
Apply to bare moist soil on established plants only. DO NOT apply to foliage or when fruit is present. Use higher rate for Wild Oats.

established for 12 months
 Annual Ryegrass, Annual Thistles, Barley Grass, Bindii, Brome Grass, Capeweed, Chickweed, Common Sowthistle, Creeping Oxalis, Fat Hen, Geranium, Ivy-Leaf Speedwell, Nettles, Potato Weed, Powell’s Amaranth, Redroot Amaranth, Redshank, Shepherd’s Purse, Slim Amaranth, Turnips, Wild Mustard, Winter Grass, Wireweed, Wild Oats 
Suppression of Soursob  
State: All States
/ha: 1.3 to 2.5 kg
/100 L: 60 to 120 g
/15 L knapsack: 15 to 25 g
Critical Comments:
 Apply to bare moist soil immediately after cultivation and before weeds emerge. Use higher rate on heavy soil.

 Annual Ryegrass, Annual Thistles, Barley Grass, Bindii, Brome Grass, Capeweed, Chickweed, Common Sowthistle, Creeping Oxalis, Fat Hen, Geranium, Ivy-Leaf Speedwell, Nettles, Potato Weed, Powell’s Amaranth, Redroot Amaranth, Redshank, Shepherd’s Purse, Slim Amaranth, Turnips, Wild Mustard, Winter Grass, Wireweed, Wild Oats 
Suppression of Soursob  
State: All States
/ha: 1.3 to 2.5 kg
/100 L: -
/15 L knapsack: -
Critical Comments:
 Apply to bare moist soil in late winter, before hop emergence. Hops should be covered by 50 mm of soil. Use higher rate on heavy soil.

vines established for 3 years in Qld, NSW, Vic, Tas, SA, WA
 Annual Ryegrass, Annual Thistles, Barley Grass, Bindii, Brome Grass, Capeweed, Chickweed, Common Sowthistle, Creeping Oxalis, Fat Hen, Geranium, Ivy-Leaf Speedwell, Nettles, Potato Weed, Powell’s Amaranth, Redroot Amaranth, Redshank, Shepherd’s Purse, Slim Amaranth, Turnips, Wild Mustard, Winter Grass, Wireweed, Wild Oats 
Suppression of Soursob  
State: NSW, Vic, Tas, SA, WA, ACT only
/ha: 1.3 to 2.5 kg
/100 L: 60 to 120 g
/15 L knapsack: 15 to 25 g
Critical Comments: 
Use lower rate on sandy alkaline soils.
State: Qld only
/ha: 3.9 kg
/100 L: 60 to 120 g
/15 L knapsack: 15 to 25 g
Critical Comments: 
DO NOT use on excessively sandy alkaline soils

pre-emergence or post-sowing pre-emergence only
 Capeweed, Charlock, Clover, Corn Cromwell, Doublegee, Fumitories, Geraniums, Ivy-leaf Speedwell, London Rocket, Mustards, Turnips, Paterson's Curse, Shepherd's Purse, Silver Grass (Vulpia)
Suppression of Annual Ryegrass, Barley Grass, Brome Grass, Wild Oats, Wild Radish
State: All States
Rate/ha: 1.1 to 2.2 kg
Important: This use is subject to adherence to the INTEGRATED WEED MANAGEMENT STRATEGY for TT-Canola
See General Instructions: Integrated Weed Management Strategy for TT-Canola
Can be applied up to a week before sowing or post- sowing pre-emergence (ideally incorporated by harrows). For best results apply to bare moist soil, either immediately before seeding or as a pre- emergence treatment at or within 7 days of planting. Sufficient rainfall (20 to 30 mm) to wet the soil through the weed root zone is necessary within 2 to 3 weeks of application. Application should not be made to ridged or excessively cloddy soil. When applied before seeding, incorporate to a depth of 5 cm.

 Annual Ryegrass, Barley Grass, Capeweed, Corn Gromwell, Fumitories, Geranium, Ivy-leaf Speedwell, Mustards, Rough Poppy, Turnips, Volunteer Canola (not triazine tolerant cultivars), Wireweed
Suppression of Brome Grass, Wild Oats
State: Qld, NSW, Vic, SA, WA, ACT only
Rate/ha: 550 g to 1.1 kg plus 1 L trifluralin (400 g/L)
Critical Comments: Apply to bare moist soil and incorporate to a depth of 5 cm just prior to sowing. Incorporation should be made within 4 hours of application. Use this mixture where Annual Ryegrass and Wild Oats are the major problem. Sufficient rainfall (20 to 30 mm) to wet the soil through the weed root zone is necessary within 2 to 3 weeks of application. Application should not be made to ridged or excessively cloddy soil. Use the lower rate on light sandy soils.

Weeds: Capeweed, self sown Cereals, Clover, Dock, Doublegee, Mustard, Radish, Silver Grass, Turnip Weed
Suppression of Barley Grass, Ryegrass, Wild Oats
State: WA only
Rate/ha: 550 g to 1.1 kg
Critical Comments: For best results, apply to bare moist soil, either immediately before seeding, or as a pre-emergence treatment at or within 7 days of planting. Sufficient rainfall to wet the soil through the weed root zone (20 to 30 mm) is necessary within 2 to 3 weeks of application. Results can be variable if seasonal conditions are dry prior to sowing and chickpeas are sown into a dry or low moisture seedbed.
Application should not be made to ridged or excessively cloddy soil. When applied before seeding incorporation by the sowing operation should not be greater than 5 cm. Use 550 to 775 g on lighter soils and in the northern agricultural areas, and up to 1.1 kg on heavier soil types. DO NOT use on whitish or grey sands.

Weeds: Deadnettle, Indian Hedge Mustard, Lesser Swinecress, Milk Thistle, Prickly Lettuce, Purple Goosefoot, Shepherd's Purse, Turnip Weed, Wireweed
Suppression of Black Bindweed, Paradoxa Grass
State: Qld, NSW, SA, ACT only
Rate/ha: 800 g plus 1.5 L Flowable Gesagard® 500 SC Liquid Herbicide
Critical Comments: Apply immediately post-planting. Application should not be made to ridged or excessively cloddy soil. For reliable results significant rain (20 to 30 mm) is necessary within 2 to 3 weeks of sowing.

Weeds: Milk Thistle (Common Sowthistle), Indian Hedge Mustard, Turnip Weed
Suppression of Prickly Lettuce, Shepherd’s Purse, Wireweed
State: Qld, NSW, Vic, SA, ACT only
Rate/ha: 800 g to 1.1 kg
Critical Comments: For best results apply to bare moist soils, immediately post-planting. Sufficient rainfall (20 to 30 mm) to wet the soil through the weed root zone is necessary within 2 to 3 weeks of application.
Application should not be made to ridged or excessively cloddy soil. Use the lower rate on light sandy soils.

 Annual Ryegrass, Barley Grass, Brome Grass, Capeweed, Corn Gromwell (Sheepweed), Deadnettle, Fumitories, Geranium, Ivy-leaf Speedwell, Medics, Mustards, Paradoxa Grass, Saffron Thistle, Soursob, Volunteer Canola, Wireweed
Suppression of Wild Oats
State: NSW, Vic, SA, WA only
Rate/ha: 1.1 to 1.4 kg
Critical Comments: Apply either pre-seeding or immediately post-sowing, which is preferred on light soils. Sow the crop at least 5 cm deep. Use the lower rate on light soils.
Application should not be made to ridged or excessively cloddy soil. For fully reliable results significant rainfall (20 to 30 mm) is necessary within 2 to 3 weeks of sowing. DO NOT use rates higher than 1.1 kg/ha on soils with pH 8.0 and above as unacceptable crop damage may occur.
Rate/ha: 550 to 800 g plus 1 L trifluralin (400 g/L)
Critical Comments: Apply to bare moist soil and incorporate to a depth of 5 cm just prior to sowing. Incorporation should be made within 4 hours of application. Use this mixture where Annual Ryegrass and Wild Oats are the major problem. Application should not be made to ridged or excessively cloddy soil. For fully reliable results significant rainfall (20 to 30 mm) is necessary within 2 to 3 weeks of application.

 Annual Ryegrass, Barley Grass, Capeweed, Corn Gromwell (Sheep Weed), Fumitories, Geraniums, Ivy-leaf Speedwell, Mustards, Paterson's Curse, Shepherd's Purse, Turnips, Wireweed
Suppression of Brome Grass, Soursob, Wild Oats
State: NSW, Vic, Tas, SA, ACT only
Light soils 800 g to 1.1 kg
Loam soils 1.3 to 2.2 kg
Critical Comments: Apply 50 to 100 L spray mixture/ha. Apply to bare moist soil at or within 2 days of sowing. Application should not be made to ridged or excessively cloddy soil. Use the higher rate on heavy soil or where free organic matter such as trash is present. If dry conditions prevail after application, incorporation with light harrows up to 1 week after sowing may assist results.

where no weeds are present at time of sowing
 Capeweed, self sown Cereals, Clover, Dock, Doublegee, Mustard, Radish, Silver Grass, Turnips
Suppression of Barley Grass, Brome Grass, Ryegrass, Wild Oats 
State: WA only 
Light soils 550 g to 1.1 kg
Gravelly loam soils 1.1 to 1.6 kg
Critical Comments: Can be applied as a pre-emergence treatment before or within 2 days of planting. Application should not be made to ridged or excessively cloddy soil. For fully reliable results significant rainfall (10 to 20 mm) is necessary within 2 to 3 weeks of application. DO NOT use on whitish or grey sands.
Rate/ha: 550 g to 1.1 kg plus 1.5 L trifluralin (400 g/L)
Critical Comments: For best results apply the tank mix to bare moist soil and incorporate to a depth of 5 cm just prior to sowing. Application should not be made to ridged soil. Incorporation should be made within 4 hours of application. Use as a pre-emergence application only. Use this mixture where Annual Ryegrass and Wild Oats are the major problems. Sufficient rainfall to wet the soil through the weed root zone (20 to 30 mm) is necessary within 2 to 3 weeks of application. Results can be variable if seasonal conditions are dry prior to sowing and lupins are sown into dry or low moisture seedbed. Use 550 to 800 g/ha on yellow sands, 1.1 kg/ha on all other soil types. Where Brome Grass is a problem use 1.1 kg/ha. DO NOT use on whitish or grey sands.

where weeds are present at time of sowing
 Capeweed, self sown Cereals, Clover, Dock, Doublegee, Mustard, Radish, Silver Grass, Turnips
Suppression of Barley Grass, Brome Grass, Ryegrass, Wild Oats 
State: WA only 
Rate/ha: 550 to 800 g plus a knockdown herbicide at the recommended rate
Critical Comments: For best results apply to bare moist soil 1 to 6 days prior to seeding to areas where the crop will be sown under a conservation tillage system. Sufficient rainfall (20 to 30 mm) to wet the soil through the weed root zone is necessary within 2 to 3 weeks of application. Results can be variable if seasonal conditions are dry prior to sowing and lupins are sown into a dry or low moisture seedbed. Use the lower rate when weeds have emerged for more than 2 weeks and the higher rate when application is made within 2 weeks of weed emergence. DO NOT use on whitish or grey sands.

 Rat’s Tail Fescue, Sand Fescue, Squirrel-tail Fescue, Vulpia (Silvergrass)
State: NSW, Vic, Tas, SA, ACT only
Rate/ha:  550 to 900 g
Critical Comments: Apply 6 to 10 weeks after emergence of the pasture, but not before the 3rd trifoliate leaf stage of subterranean clover. Best results are obtained from application to young, well grazed and actively growing plants. Some damage to subterranean clover may occur especially at the higher rates. DO NOT apply to sandy soils and use the lower rates on light textured soils. Apply under moist soil conditions, rain following application enhances results. DO NOT apply to stressed plants. Insect infestations should be controlled and subterranean clover allowed to recover before the GESATOP GRANULES is applied. DO NOT use herbicides for broadleaf weed control within 3 weeks of application.
State: NSW, Vic, ACT only
Rate/ha: 550 to 800 g plus 100 to 160 mL Gramoxone 250 Herbicide
State: SA only
Rate/ha: 400 to 550 g plus 100 to 160 mL Gramoxone 250
Critical Comments: Apply 6 to 10 weeks after emergence of the pasture, but not before the 3rd trifoliate leaf stage of subterranean clover. Best results are obtained from application to young, well grazed and actively growing plants. However, the addition of Gramoxone 250 improves the control of well established plants. Add a non-ionic surfactant at 0.2% v/v (200 mL/100 L). Under conditions of good soil moisture, control of other grasses and some broadleaf weed seedlings may occur.
DO NOT apply to sandy soils and use the lower rates on light textured soils. Apply under moist conditions, rain following application enhances results. DO NOT apply to stressed plants. Insect infestations should be controlled and subterranean clover allowed to recover before the GESATOP GRANULES plus Gramoxone 250 is applied. DO NOT use herbicides for broadleaf weed control within 3 weeks of application.

Weeds: Rat’s Tail Fescue, Vulpia (Silvergrass)
State: WA only
Rate/ha: 400 to 550 g
Critical Comments: Apply within 8 weeks of emergence of subterranean clover and grasses. Under conditions of good soil moisture, control of other grasses and some broadleaf weeds may occur. Ensure that there is a good stand of subterranean clover present before spraying. Use the lower rate on light textured soils. DO NOT use with broadleaf weed herbicides within 3 weeks of using GESATOP GRANULES. DO NOT tank mix with other herbicides or add crop oils or wetting agents. DO NOT use on Medics, or Red or White Clover. DO NOT overlap when spraying, otherwise damage may be observed.

Dams, tanks, troughs
Weeds: Filamentous Blue- Green Algae 
State: WA only 
Rate: 2.2 g/1,000 L water 
Critical Comments: Mix in a convenient amount of water and apply when algae development is first noticed.


Subterranean Clover:

GESATOP GRANULES is a pre-emergence herbicide which selectively controls certain broadleaf weeds and grasses in almonds (SA only), asparagus, berry fruit, canola (triazine tolerant varieties only), chickpeas, citrus, faba beans, gladioli, hops, lupins, pome fruit, roses and vineyards. In other crop areas, applied at higher rates, it will provide long control of a wide range of weeds and grasses. Established perennial species are not satisfactorily controlled. Since this product enters weeds mainly through their roots, its effectiveness depends on rainfall or irrigation after application to move it down to the root zone.
Duration and effectiveness of control depends on the amount of chemical applied, soil type, rainfall and particular weed species. When susceptible weeds start to appear uniformly, the residual action has probably been dissipated.

Resistant Weeds Warning
GESATOP GRANULES 900 WG Herbicide is a member of the triazine group of herbicides and has the inhibitor of photosynthesis at photosystem II mode of action. For weed resistance management this product is a Group C herbicide. Some naturally occurring weed biotypes resistant to GESATOP GRANULES and other Group C herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. These resistant weeds will not be controlled by GESATOP GRANULES or other Group C herbicides. Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Syngenta Australia Pty Ltd accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of GESATOP GRANULES to control the resistant weeds.
Advice as to strategies and alternative treatments that can be used should be obtained from your local supplier, consultant, local Department of Agriculture, Primary Industries Department or a Syngenta representative.

Resistant weeds reporting
Growers should collect plant or seed samples where weeds that are normally susceptible to atrazine and simazine may be resistant, get them tested and seek professional advice.
To minimise herbicide resistance
- Avoid dry sowing in heavily weed infested paddocks. Wait for a weed germination after the opening rains in weedy paddocks. Use a pre-plant knockdown or cultivation. No weeds should be allowed to survive at this stage.
- Adapt the weed control program to the anticipated weed spectrum and pressure
Broadleaf weeds and Ryegrass: Use GESATOP or Gesaprim plus trifluralin pre-emergence. A follow-up with a Group A herbicide (if Ryegrass is susceptible) or Gesaprim may be necessary.
Broadleaf weeds only: Use Gesaprim post-emergence.
- DO NOT use Gesaprim or GESATOP if the area to be treated had a triazine herbicide applied to it last season.
- Watch for escapes, especially in paddocks with a long history of Group C herbicide use.
- DO NOT use Group C herbicides in consecutive years.
To avoid triazine carry-over
On acid soils (pH less than 6.5): The maximum rate of Gesaprim or GESATOP or a combination of the 2 products to be applied to the crop during the growing season is 2.2 kg/ha.
On alkaline soils (pH greater than 6.5): The maximum rate of Gesaprim or GESATOP or a combination of the 2 products to be applied to the crop during the growing season is 1.1 kg/ha.
Post-emergence: It is recommended that Gesaprim only be used, and at rates of 1.1 kg/ha or less, on both acid or alkaline soils.

Integrated Weed Management Strategy for TT-Canola
An Integrated Weed Management Strategy for TT-Canola (the Strategy) has been developed by Syngenta with the assistance and agreement of the Canola Association of Australia. The Strategy outlines recommendations, measures and options for weed management, including management of herbicide resistance in weed populations. The Strategy is available from a Syngenta representative and the Canola Association of Australia. A program has been developed that outlines sound agronomic practices and integrated weed management programs designed to optimise the performance of TT-Canola. It is advised that consultation on IWM be undertaken with an accredited agronomist prior to use of GESATOP GRANULES on TT-Canola.

Araucaria, Corymbia, Eucalyptus and Pinus Plantations
Field trials and use experience has indicated that the following species are tolerant. Test tolerance before treating other species.
Araucaria: All commercial species
Corymbia: Maculata
Eucalyptus: Agglomerata, calophylla, camaldulensis, cladocalyx, cloeziana, dunnii, globulus, grandis, laevopinea, nitens, pilularis, pseudoglobulus, regnans, rudis, saligna, wandoo.
Pinus: Caribaea and hybrids, elliottii, pinaster, radiata

This product must be mixed with water and applied by suitable spray equipment.
- Fill vat no more than 25% full with clean water before adding GESATOP GRANULES. Begin agitating vat contents vigorously and continue agitation during entire mixing and spraying operation.
- Pour required amount of GESATOP GRANULES steadily into vat. Allow vigorous bypass agitation to completely disperse product. DO NOT dump product into vat all at once.
- After adding required quantity of GESATOP GRANULES and obtaining complete dispersion, continue to fill vat to desired level for spraying. Thorough agitation of the spray liquid should continue during the entire spraying operation.
Note: Spray solution should NOT be left standing in the vat overnight.

Product Rate Conversion 500 SC, 600 SC, 900 WG

Flowable 500 g/L
500 mL
750 mL
1 L
1.5 L 2 L
2.5 L 3 L
3.5 L 4 L
4.5 L 6 L 7 L 9 L
16 L 

Flowable 600 g/L
420 mL
625 mL
830 mL
1.25 L
1.7 L 2 L
2.5 L
2.9 L
3.3 L
3.7 L 5 L
5.8 L
7.5 L
13 L

Granule 900 g/kg
270 g
400 g
550 g
800 g
1.1 kg
1.4 kg
1.7 kg
1.9 kg
2.2 kg
2.5 kg
3.3 kg
3.9 kg 5 kg
8.8 kg

Compatible with Gesagard, Gramoxone, Roundup*, Roundup CT* and Spray.Seed 250 Herbicide at recommended label rates and dilutions. Always add the granules to the tank first as per the mixing instructions and ensure that the product is completely dispersed before adding a knockdown herbicide.
As formulations of other manufacturers' products are beyond the control of Syngenta and water quality varies with location, all mixtures should be tested prior to mixing commercial quantities.

High volume equipment: Apply the rate listed in the Directions for Use table to approximately 500 m2 crop or non-agricultural land.
Knapsack sprayer: Apply the rate listed in the Directions for Use table to approximately 100 m2 crop.
TT-Canola: DO NOT apply to TT-Canola by aircraft. Apply only with a low boom sprayer with a 60 m buffer zone downwind of treated fields to natural or impounded lakes or dams, and a 20 m buffer zone for any well, sink hole, intermittent or perennial stream. Apply only to areas where runoff is unlikely to occur or where runoff may be captured by farm earthworks.


Registered for culturesRate
Almonds1 - 2 kg
Apples1.8 - 3.9 kg
Asparagus1.3 - 2.5 kg
Black currant1.3 - 2.5 kg
Red currant1.3 - 2.5 kg
Raspberries1.3 - 2.5 kg
Citrus1.3 - 2.5 kg
Hops1.3 - 2.5 kg
Grapes1.3 - 3.9 kg
Canola1.1 - 2.2 kg
Chickpeas0.55 - 1.1 kg
Beans0.55 - 1.4 kg
Lupines0.55 - 2.2 kg
Clover0.55 - 0.9 kg
Alfalfa0.55 - 0.9 kg
Pasture0.55 - 0.9 kg